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Mingi checked his phone for what felt like the millionth time as he stood on the steps of the library. The weather was definitely colder than yesterday and the sky had decided it wanted to open up and rain down fat, freezing drops on unsuspecting passersby. The echoes of the drops splashing on the ground would normally be rather be calming on the senses but today the sky seemed especially sad.

Sighing, Mingi placed his phone back in his pocket. 'Maybe he just got held up with another project.' The lanky man tried to reason as he bounced on his toes to generate warmth. He still hadn't received a text back from his best friend and he was starting to get worried. He had tried calling numerous times but it always went to voicemail.

Deciding that he wasn't going to wait on the library steps any longer Mingi pulled up the hood on his sweatshirt and walked out into the rain before unlocking his bike. If Hongjoong wasn't going to answer him, he would just find the man himself. Sitting on his bike and trying not to think of how his butt was getting wet, the taller man set off towards his friend's apartment.

The whole ride was only about 10 minutes total but the freezing rain felt like razor blades as they brushed over his cheeks and seeped into his clothing. What a day for him to forget his umbrella. About a third of the way there he ended up riding through a puddle that soaked the bottom of his pants. Mingi scowled.

"Hyung better be grateful for this," the man muttered under his breath as he shook off the water that was trying to drip into his eyes.

Once he arrived, Mingi hopped off his bike and leaned it against the building, not even bothering to lock it up as he bounded up the outside steps to reach shelter. Shaking off some of the excess water like a dog, he passed a few doors before he reached apartment 203. Pulling his red and frozen fingers out of his pocket, Mingi had never been so grateful that they were willing to share apartment passcodes with each other.

After a few tries due to his shaking hands, he finally managed to input the passcode correctly. With a flourish Mingi threw open the door.

"Hyung! Where were you? I demand tea, a hot shower, and cuddles!" The man called out as he clumsily pulled off his shoes at the door way. He nearly fell over hopping on one foot to separate his socks from his feet. When the brunette didn't receive a snarky response to his obnoxious yell, Mingi looked up and into the dark apartment with a wet sock still in hand.

"Hongjoong?" He called out again only to be met with silence once more. Forgetting his wet sock he dropped it onto the floor in the entry and made his way farther into the apartment.

He made a beeline for his friend's bedroom, only sneaking a quick peek into the living room as he walked past. He noted absently that his friend was not there. Once at the bedroom, he noticed that the door was open. Peeking inside he saw that the bed looked undisturbed as if no one had slept in it the night before.

Mingi clicked his tongue, "Did he spend the night in the studio again?" He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the kitchen. This room appeared the same as the others, completely untouched.

Figuring his hyung owed him for wading through the rain, Mingi decided to make himself at home and prepare to both surprise and scold his workaholic friend for standing him up when the other finally decided to come home. The brunette walked back into the other man's bedroom and opened a drawer where he usually kept a spare set of clothes in case he ended up staying over working on a project or during their movie nights. He quickly changed out of his wet clothes before he made himself something quick to eat. His hyung didn't have much, as he normally forgot to eat, but one bowl of instant noodles later, Mingi had firmly sat himself on Hongjoong's couch and turned on the TV to make himself comfortable.

【Asphyxia】  seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now