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Mingi entered the cafe through the front door with a yawn. He had already been there once today for work this morning but he had nothing else to do. It was evening now and he knew the cafe was about to close but he had decided to come back to see if he could scam a free cup of coffee from whoever was working. He figured that getting out of the studio would jump start his brain and help him out with the beat he was struggling with for his Audio Mixing midterm.

When he entered, he stopped short at the sight of Yunho behind the counter washing glasses. "You're still here?"

The blonde looked up from his task to raise an eyebrow. "Well someone has to watch the cafe. Besides, I do live here you know. I never really leave."

Mingi walked closer and sat down at the counter. He propped his elbows down and placed his face in between his hands, squishing his cheeks lightly. "Still, you can't be here 24/7. You need a break!"

"Tell that to my employees who don't show up on time." Yunho pointed a soaped hand at the other.

Mingi tried to appear offended. "Excuse me. I should go file a complaint to HR. This is a personal attack on my character." The blonde just flicked some of the suds off his finger. A little cluster of bubbles landed on his nose and the brunette made something between an affronted gasp and a squeak.

Yunho saw the look change in Mingi's eyes and he turned to run into the back room. "I'm going to get you for that!"

The brunette hopped over the counter, knocking over a glass as he did. Yunho let out an unmanly squeal as he turned to high tail it into the kitchen. The brunette was right behind him and ran through the door. The barista hurried behind the island in the middle of the kitchen. The other caught up and the two squared off from either side. When Mingi went left, Yunho moved the opposite direction. Both had smiles on their faces as they teased each other.

Suddenly, Mingi darted around the island before the other could react. Yunho let out another yell and a laugh as he tried to run and avoid his chaser. The brunette had a little bit of a head start, however, so after one lap around he had caught up and wrapped Yunho up tightly in his arms.

"I've got you!" Mingi yelled in triumph. The blonde made a surprised noise before squirming and trying to get out of his captor's hold. The brunette wasn't about to let him escape though and began tickling him.

"Ahaha s-stop it!" The barista's wiggling increased and soon he had managed to turn around in the other's grasp. Noticing how close they were suddenly, Mingi immediately stopped his onslaught. They looked at each other for a moment before springing apart, both their cheeks red.

Mingi rubbed at the back of his head shyly and coughed to cover his embarrassment. "Uh, Yunho?"

"Y-yeah." The blonde was just as rattled by the interaction as his friend.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" Mingi shuffled the toe of his shoe.

The barista raised an eyebrow. "Now? Isn't it raining?"

"All the better to take a walk!" The other was quick to defend. "The air is clearer and it's nice and relaxing."

Yunho smiled softly at his friend's attempt to keep him from saying no. He was endearingly flustered. "Alright, I'll go grab my jacket."

Mingi followed the other back into the main room of the cafe. The blonde ran upstairs to grab his mentioned item. The brunette didn't have to wait long as Yunho barreled back downstairs after a few moments. "Did you bring an umbrella? I can't find mine."

"Sure," Mingi held up the item in his hand he had previously left on the counter. It hadn't gotten that wet as the rain had started to slow down when he walked over. "Ready to go?"

【Asphyxia】  seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now