Dominoes pt. 2

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"Bonjour boys."

Yeosang and Xion whipped around to see a figure standing there in a white cloak and a one-eyed mask. On her right cheek was a painted red X. In the figure's hand was what appeared to be a trigger with a glowing red button on top.

"Fancy meeting you here." the figure coos with a chuckle. The voice had a feminine quality. "But it looks like you're trying to leave the party. Now, we can't have that."

"Who are you?" Xion barked out. This was not good. Two to one would normally be good odds but with both of them injured, it was like there was half an agent there among both of them.

"Aw, aren't you cute," the figure continued to croon. "But I think I like your little friend over there more. He looks like the serious, brooding type and I like that."

Yeosang had to suppress a shudder. They couldn't see her face but her tone seemed coated in something sickly sweet, almost like she was licking her lips. They had to get out of there before anything happened. He wasn't too keen on finding out what that button did.

"Xion," the brunette whispered. The other shifted just slightly to indicate he was listening. "How is your leg now."

"Good enough," He answered back just as quietly.

"On my count, we break for it, ok?" Xion gritted his teeth. He didn't seem to like that plan but he knew when to tap out. They were injured in a damaged building. Maybe if they could lead her outside, the others could help take care of it. There was a beat and then, "....Now!"

The two agents sprang apart both running in opposite directions. There wasn't any way that the Ghoul could take them both so as soon as she would focus on one, the other would attack from the opposite side. They would only have one shot on a tactic like this.

The Ghoul didn't seem bothered, however, and just sighed. "You CCG guys are all the same. You never want to play."

Seeing that she wasn't moving, Yeosang cracked his whip as best he could from the left and Xion deployed the extension on his Quinche. The green ropes snapped open like a net and headed straight for its target. The Ghoul just jumped up to avoid them, however, and the net wrapped itself around Yeosang while the whip cracked at Xion's feet causing him to stumble.

A chuckle came from above. The two agents looked up to see their target sitting on an exposed beam in the ceiling and kicking her feet leisurely. She seemed amused at their blunder.

"See! That's the spirit!" the Ghoul clapped her hands. Yeosang gritted his teeth as he shimmied out of the net he was trapped in. He should have known a sloppy tactic like that would have backfired. His aim was off since he had to use his non-dominant hand. It was such a rookie move.

"Let's play some more," the figure held the trigger in her hand, the thumb hovering over the button on top. "I promise, you'll have a blast."

Her finger descended on the button and a desk on the other side of the room exploded raining papers and broken wood. Xion, being closer to the blast, covered his face with his hands and winced as a stray piece of wood scraped his arm. Yeosang looked over to ask if his teammate was alright when a red blinking from behind him caught his attention.

"Xion, look out!" Yeosang cried. He ran across the room as fast as he could as the blinking grew faster. He reached out with his good arm and tackled the other out of the way as the blinking ceased and the window they were standing near exploded and showered the area, and their bodies, with glass. Yeosang felt a piece scrap his cheek and he cried out in pain when he landed on the ground. If his arm wasn't broken before, it sure was now.

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