The Auction Pt. 3

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Yunho filed sideways through the crowd as he tried to find a familiar head of blonde hair amongst the escapees. He felt himself get shoved side ways as some of the more frantic Ghouls around him panicked at the explosion and hurried to exit the building.  It made sense considering most of the patrons were filthy rich cowards and did very little of their dirty work themselves. It was why they came to things like this, to flex their power and pull because they were incapable of subduing someone themselves without a hired hand. It was all an elaborate disgusting show.

After shoving his way through a group of portly men waddling their way out, Yunho spotted a familiar head of blonde bobbing through the crowd. Reaching out before he lost the other, the barista grabbed at Wooyoung's arm and yanked him back. The younger turned around with a look of annoyance before he recognized the mask of the person who had stopped him.

"Yunho?" Wooyoung questioned. He glanced behind the taller to notice that someone was missing. "Where did Hongjoong go?"

"Have you seen the Madame anywhere?" The older answered, ignoring the question. "We can't let her escape as now might be our only chance."

"Are you serious?" Wooyoung exclaimed. "The CCG is right outside the door!"

"All the more reason to find her." Yunho explained. "She's the proprietor of the auction. She has to have a secret hideout or an alternate way out since she is probably the biggest target here."

"Have we heard from San or the others?" The blonde couldn't help but ask. He wouldn't feel comfortable if they changed tactics or tried to escape without notifying anyone.

Realizing this, the barista reached into his pocket for his phone to see if there were any messages from the other member of their group but cursed when he saw there was no signal. "I'm sure they heard the explosion already." Yunho rationalized as he pocketed the device. "We'll just send them a message over the comlink and I already sent Hongjoong out. There are too many Ghouls for the agents to catch us all. Besides, he has been working with you and San for awhile so he should be ok if he keeps his head down."

Wooyoung seemed to weigh the options in his head for a moment. Part of him wanted to just get out for the longer they stayed, the higher the risk, but another part of him felt like it would be a waste to not complete what they came here for. He was confident in San and his boys being able to hold their own and be able to make it out if necessary. That drug on the street was getting more and more dangerous and they couldn't let it be out there for much longer. Yunho was right, they couldn't waste this opportunity as they didn't know when they would get another, if ever. Finally reaching a resolve, the blonde nodded his head and together they took off in a different direction. 

They ran down a side hall where the crowd was beginning to thin out. Most Ghouls seemed to be trying to make their way out of the emergency exits, knowing that the front and back would be crawling with agents. Yunho noticed one of the people that had come up to the Madame earlier in the evening heading the opposite way of the others. Taking a chance, the barista tapped Wooyoung on the shoulder and gestured in the direction the person disappeared to. Together, they followed the man but were careful to stay a ways back to avoid being detected.

After awhile they found themselves in a lesser used hallway, most likely used for the stage hands and performers during a regular show. Some of the doors were labeled for storage and costumes or just regular dressing rooms with actor's names on them. The Ghouls had just passed the fourth door when the man they had been tailing halted. Not wanting to be seen, the duo quickly crouched behind a rack of costumes that had been left out to hide. It wasn't the best place but the man didn't seem to notice them or be that observant as he quickly threw the door open and stepped inside.

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