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Hongjoong jumped at the sound of another voice in his apartment. Looking around, he grabbed the closest thing around, a picture frame from the desk table beside him, and brandished it like a weapon. "Who's there?"

A giggle could be heard from the darkness before a flash of light filled the room causing the red-head to close his eyes at the sudden change. When he could finally bring himself to open them, he spotted a man sitting in his lounge chair casually. His hand was extended from where he had pulled the chain on the lamp next to him. Hongjoong felt like he had seen something like this in a cartoon before. If he wasn't scared of someone random in his home, he would have laughed.

"It figures you wouldn't remember who I am." The man in the chair said wryly.

"What are you talking about? How did you get into my apartment?" Hongjoong was panicking now. It had to be one of the guys from that hospital. They have found out who he was and had figured out where he lived to take him back for more experiments.

"Relax," the figure in the armchair said before he leaned a bit farther forward to reveal a dyed head of blonde hair. "We've never been introduced. We bumped into each other in the street the other day. You know, it's very rude not to tell someone sorry after you run into them."

The smaller was confused. Who the hell was this guy. He was speaking rather casually and in a familiar way and that almost set him off more. "I-I'm sorry for not apologizing earlier and I don't know how you got in here but I really think you should leave."

"Ah, don't worry about it." The blonde shook the statement off. "Truth is, I ran into you on purpose."

The red-head stayed silent but tightened his grip on his feeble weapon as he watched the other man stand from the armchair and take a step closer. "You see, I was drawn to you by your scent. It's very unique."

The blonde took another step forward. "It's sweet, like honey, but almost too sweet that it rots your teeth and you don't want to eat it anymore." The stranger was close enough now that he could see the sweat start to bead up on the shorter man's brow and cascade down his temple to his jaw. He was having a little too much fun with this game.

"After running into you, I was intrigued. Once you ran off, I had a little...chat with your associates. It was very enlightening."

"What did you do to those guys?" Hongjoong croaked fearfully. He couldn't say that he was a fan of his captors but if what happened to them was a good indicator of what was about to happen to him, he should be afraid for his life.

The blonde shrugged. "Lets just say that they won't be bothering you anytime soon."

He knew it. This guy had killed his pursuers. His fear at an all time high, Hongjoong threw the picture frame with all of his strength. The action didn't even seem to phase the other as he just leaned slightly to the left. The red-head didn't even stand around to watch as the small object exploded into pieces as it hit the back wall. Instead, he took off back towards the front door while sliding on sock clad feet.

The blonde left behind rolled his eyes as he followed the fleeing man. Hongjoong desperately tried to open the door but was startled as something shining and yellow zipped passed his head and pressed against the door, stopping it from opening any further. Slowly, the red-head turned his gaze slowly around to face the stranger with wide and frightened eyes.

Standing there in the dark hallway was the invader with yellow wings that seemed like fire. The center of the wing were black before it flowed outward to turn into the bright yellow that matched his hair. His left wing was blocking the door but the other was out in full display.

【Asphyxia】  seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now