Phase One

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Mingi nibbled at the end of his pen and stared blankly at his theory book while sitting at the bar of the cafe. The little coffee shop was rather slow this morning and the lanky brunette figured that it would be a good change of pace to study there instead of the library. The only problem is that he found he still couldn't concentrate.

Every so often, out of the corner of his eye, he would glance up at the blonde working. Yunho appeared to be oblivious to the other's gaze as he happily hummed while cleaning some glasses and wiping down various things. It seemed like nothing was out of the ordinary with the other despite what the brunette overheard yesterday.

Finally, Mingi couldn't take it anymore and threw his pen down onto his book. He wasn't getting any work done any way. "When you finish up your shift, do you want to grab lunch?"

"Can't," the other responded back almost immediately. He didn't even look up from his task. "I have dance rehearsal this afternoon and the instructor is really rough. Best not to eat before or risk it getting all over the floor."

The brunette had to resist the urge to gag at the mental image. The two had been working on a slow day in the cafe together when Mingi found out that Yunho, like the brunette, was also a junior in college but attended school a subway stop away. He was majoring in dance performance and had a minor in business with hopes to own his own studio one day. The music student had yet to see his friend dance but knew he was quite dedicated to the work.

Mingi didn't like his answer, however, and pouted at his friend. "Ah, come on! Something small?"

Yunho bit his lip as he made the mistake of looking up into the puppy dog face of his friend. 'Damn, he really thought he had a solid excuse to get out of this one.' He sighed.

"Fine, but something small. I really don't want to risk a shot at the winter showcase because I blew it in rehearsal." The double innuendo wasn't lost on the brunette.

Mingi perked up at the answer and did a small happy dance and wiggle in his chair. The sound of the bell went off, signaling the arrival of a customer but neither of the boys seemed to notice. "Perfect! I've been craving kimbap so we can just grab a roll or two on the way to school."

"Ah, kimbap, that sounds amazing right now." The brunette turned his head at the sound of a voice to spot a man with bright blonde hair leaned up against the counter. He had his elbow on the bar and his chin in his hand with a mischievous expression as he met Mingi's eye.

"Wooyoung," Yunho spoke before anything else could be said. "You're early. My shift doesn't end for another half-hour."

The new blonde, now identified as Wooyoung, shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. "Class ended early and it was a waste to go home so I figured I would just come here. By the sounds of it, you haven't eaten yet. I could take over and you could skive off early."

"Wait, you work here?" Mingi asked cluelessly. "I've never seen you around."

Wooyoung looked back at his counter companion and gave a bright smile full of teeth. "Had to take a break for a few weeks for school but I'm back now. Yunho told me they hired a new guy to help in my place. You must be Mingi." The brunette just nodded before shaking hands with the other.

"You could have gone to San's shop for a bit." Yunho pointed out after the two had dropped hands.

"Ah, but San gets so many weirdos that come in. There is only so much I can take before I start to question humanity."

"So you're letting me go early?" Yunho asked with a raised eyebrow. Wooyoung nodded. "Fine, you don't have to tell me twice. But don't ask me to return the favor when you work next weekend." He said mischievously.

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