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The realm of limbo was highest circle of hell and as such it was probably the safest circle. But Jason was never very fond of it for a few reasons. The most prominent being the Door of light which if he rested to close to it would be told to make haste. The second reason was because of all the un baptized babies that would wander there biting at the heels of those who walk past. I never understood why babies were in Limbo after all I had been told many times that children were born innocent and pure, yet if they are unbaptized then they are sent to hell.... I believe Jason felt the same as he always spent very little time there and when he would arrive at my boat his face would be cold and distant, unlike exiting  the lower circles. Jason made great haste towards Limbo to find this bishop he was instructed to bring to the door but most importantly to confront him. A flaming passion burned in his heart one who even I thought may have been extinguished with all his time here. He ran his way through many of the circles not stopping until he reached the second circle... of all the circles this one he dreaded the most... not because the punishment that lay within, but the temptation... the curiosity to know what lies beyond... you see the second circle is Lust; and Jason was a man of great strength and steadfastness which also meant he was susceptible to desire. He had only entered once very long ago to bring a women's soul to the door of light so long as she forsake all pleasures of the flesh. He did not mention this story to me... but I could see that was one of his most difficult journeys. Monsters, demons, armies... none of these things Jason feared, but his own temptation did scare him greatly. There was only one other circle he treated with such reverence as to dare not enter... that was the 9th circle... the final circle... Lucifer's circle... He wandered the edge of Lust running so fast he would not be tempted to look back until he reached Limbo. He fell to his knees under the weight of his tired body but he forced himself unto his feet and pressed on. Until finally reaching Atlov the Bishop. "Oh thank heaven you have come to release me" Atlov said seeing Jason, but Jason did not speak he had a fire in his eye, he grabbed the bishop by the collar staring into his eyes burning him with fear. "You led a crusade! you said they were absolved of sin!... you lied" Jason said "I..I.. Had no choice... I needed to motivate them... if they lost there way it was because they lost there faith, much like you" He said, Jason's eyes filled with rage "Faith! what do you know of faith! you died an old man hiding in your church! while I am here doing gods will! you frauded many of gods warriors out of a desire for war yet you reside here in limbo while the man you commanded reside in the 7th circle!" Jason yelled in fiery rage. The bishops  eyes too filled with rage "I am a man of god! you hear! if god deemed me to be in this circle and them in theirs then he hath a reason for it!" The Bishop replied. Jason's eyes went cold. "fine if this be the will of god" Jason said in a cold indifferent filled tone. They began there journey towards the door of light when suddenly they heard the sounds of crying infants and shrieks "What is that?" The Bishop said filled with fear. Jason did not  reply nor give any indication he heard the noises or what the bishop had said he just kept walking. Suddenly they were leapt upon by what was once babies but were now horrid little creatures of claw and fang. Jason showed them no mercy as he tossed them about and stepped on them until they were all puddles under his feet "that is the will of god" Jason said as the Bishop looked on in horror. When they arrived at the door Jason did not ask about Dante and the other crusaders for he knew he would be told to get them when it was there time to leave. However he did say something "I have heard of the prophecy, what must I do to help prevent this terrible fate" Jason said, but the door was silent... Jason decided his time in hell had ended...    

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