Inner Beast

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Jason knew well that the talking had been finished. The Lord of the lycans raised his mighty hammer and swung it at Jason making him jump back. The lord of the lycans was fast and strong even in this form that one may call human. But Jason was use to fighting enemies who were larger and stronger then him choosing to allow his nimbleness to evade attacks. The Lord of the lycans in frustration leaped into the air and slammed his mighty hammer down just barley missing Jason. Jason used that moment to slash at him with his blade but it was not a very deep cut. Jason was then kicked back. As Jason stood up he saw the lord lycans muscles bulge, bones crack, hair grow and skin stretch as suddenly he became a massive beast...

 As Jason stood up he saw the lord lycans muscles bulge, bones crack, hair grow and skin stretch as suddenly he became a massive beast

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Jason stood in awe as he was now 10ft tall however hunched over meaning he was even taller then that. The Lycan lord Lunged at him swiping with his massive clawed hand, Jason narrowly avoided the attack leaving no time to counter. The Lycan lord picked up a large pew and through it at Jason making him fall. He then went to pounce on top of Jason but, Jason rolled out of the way and slashed at him. It was a direct hit. However as fast as Jason cut the creature the cut faded away as if it were never there at all. The fight raged on for quite a while and the LYcan lord was clearly winning as Jason was being tossed about. Jason was then back handed sending him flying back as the wind was knocked out of him. The Lycan lord slashed at him forcing Jason to raise his sword to block it. When the blade and claw clashed there was a loud sound of metal on metal and suddenly Jason's cross guard sword broke in tway leaving only a handle or a chunk of blade. Jason had never heard of a brotherhood sword breaking like that, many believed the swords were blessed by god to be unbreakable. Jason through a knife at the Lycan lord who quickly tossed it aside. But Jason had planned for that and used that opportunity to grab the broken chunk of blade and ram it into the Lycan lord chest, as he pressed that blade in it cut his hands deeply spewing blood. Jason pushes it in ever deeper. The Lycan lord let out a howl of pain and threw Jason off of himself. But the chunk of blade remained in his chest preventing the wound from healing. Jason then grabbed the Lycan lord mighty hammer and went on the offensive. His eyes burned red with rage as wildly swung the hammer. The Lycan lord slammed the ground sending Jason backwards. The Lycan lord then charged at him, Jason reared up to make a mighty swing and slammed the hammer into the broken blade peace stuck in the Lycan lord sending it deeper in him. The Lycan lord then fell backwards and began to transform back into his human resembling form. "Haha you have stopped nothing... soon you will see you and I are the same..." the lord of the lycans said with his dying breath... and at that moment Jason felt no satisfaction, all that was left in his mind was a gnawing question...was the Lycan lord right...

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