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Jason hurried off north for a few hours in the rain when suddenly he was hit by a feeling that he had nearly forgotten since all his time in hell....he was hungry, starving actually. His pace slowed as he held his stomach. Suddenly he heard screams from not far away and his pace quickened once more. He left the forest and came to a small town where there was a group of people huddled outside the church trying to fend of some form of beast. Jason yelled and charged on getting the beasts attention, as it turned to face him he could see it was Lycan. Now he doubted this was the lycan lord he was told about. The creature charged at him with great speed and Jason had to roll out of the way of its outstretched clawed arm. He tried to slice at it and was successful in hitting it but the wound was not enough to slow the beast down. It linger at him and he slashed to make it evade his attack and miss him, however it recovered quickly and slammed him against the wall and began to bite at his face, had he not put his blade in the way it would have succeeded, he went to grab his cross to stab it in the eye but the cross fell from his hands, so he reached down and grabbed his knife and stabbed it in the throat sending it staggering back until it fell dead. Jadon stood up slow, the pain making him want to collapse when suddenly another one came charging in this time he laid down and held his sword up so it landed on it. As he pulled the beast off he could see the people who were once crowded by the church headed towards him cheering "the priest saved us!" They shouted, Jason was confused looking at himself to see if they had mistaken him for a priest but it soon became clear they had not. "The Priest said he would pray for god to send a saviour! And you have arrived!" One of them shouted. "Where is this priest?" Jason asked "in the church, he said he needed to be alone to pray to god" a women said with pride. But this brought no pride to Jason, his heart was bitter after all why should he get all the credit for saving the town when no doubt he was just cowering inside hoping that the creatures would eat everyone else and move on. Jason walked up to the door and swung it open in rage as he walked up to the priest who sat on his knees in front of the statue of Christ. But as Jason was about to let out his anger on the fraudulent coward he saw that the rest of the town had followed him in. Jason desired nothing more then to tell the towns folk the truth, that he was not contacted by any priest or god and it was nothing more then blind luck that he happened to show up when he did... but to argue with them would be foolish as he knew better then anyone that all they would say is it was part of God's plan. So he decided to move on to another important matter. "Do you have anything to eat?" Jason said as took off his upper armour and shirt. As he did there was a loud gasp from the towns folk. Jason looked about the room to see all there faces filled with fear and shock, but for what reason he still did not know, he looked where they were looking to see they were looking at his scars specifically one of them he received in hell which had left a black scar. Jason looked around unsure what to do next when suddenly the Priest spoke "I'm sorry but your going to have to leave" he said, "what for?" Jason asked sounding confused "you bare the mark of one who has come from hell" The priest replied "it's a long story I assure you I am no demon" Jason said laughing it off "I'm sorry but one who has that mark has forever been tainted by the infernal pits and is not allowed in this holly house" The priest insisted, suddenly a sharp rage filled his blood. After all he had done and sacrificed he was now tossed aside. Jason grabbed his armor which was still drenched from the rain, put it back on and left, his stomach still empty and his heart cold. As he left walking through the town feeling bitter he heard foot steps behind him. He drew his sword and spun around only to see a young man holding some bread and meat "you may need this sir" he said, Jason took the food and gave the boy a smile but as he looked at him he saw something dangling from his neck, it was a Jewish star. Now this was not what he expected, in his past he was told they were heretics... and perhaps this boy was, but did this boy who was so kind deserve the 6th circle of hell. Jason gave him a smile anyway and pressed on. Although the bread was soggy and the meat was dried to a crisp it was delicious, but I'm sure any food wood taste as such if it was the first time you had eaten in as long as Jason had waited.

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