Foot of the Monastery

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Jason awoke from his brief rest and began to set off on his journey once more. He could hardly see within the dark underbrush. The sky had opened to reveal a massive moon and the air was now cold and crisp. He peered through the trees, he knew he was close and there was sure to be more lycans about. He arrived at the foot of the mountain and began to climb to the Monastery when suddenly he heard the sound of wolves howling nearby, but Jason knew better then to assume they were wolves who had made that sound. He pulled out his sword and found a ledge just big enough for him to move around on to make his stand. He could see there were 3 of them, 1 on each side flanking him and one coming from below. Jason quickly pushed a massive rock down the mountain side to hit the one below, which it luckily did but it was unclear how good of a hit it was. He then redrew his sword and waited for one of the 2 to lung first. The one to his left did so he quickly ran at it sliding underneath it cutting it open from below. The other tried claw at him but he slashed at the creature arm cutting it off at the wrist and sending it running away. Although these were no demons of hell they fought just as intensely, in fact Jason felt these creatures were worse because the demons were often unafraid to let there bodies die as they would just reform themselves shortly as well as the demons were often preoccupied watching the other souls but these creatures had a will to live which gave them strength as well as desire to hunt him that could not be easily dismayed. But Jason pressed climbing higher and higher until reaching the abandoned monastery when the moon shone high above. The air was still frigid and it no longer smelled of trees but damp rock and glacial ice. The monastery looked like it been abandoned long ago when the roof collapsed leaving nothing more then a circular decretive stone wall with no ceiling.

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