Chapter One

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Nick fell in love with Andy, at least he thought he did. There used to be no doubt in his mind that his feelings for him were true. He used to make him smile every time he called on the phone, and he used to be the reason he looked forward to each day. His love for him was beyond galaxies, and he saw his forever in his eyes. He knew he shouldn't have- it was so wrong to see a future with his bandmate. He thought he knew him, but these days he finds it impossible to get even an ounce of love out of him. He stares right through him as though he never meant a damn thing, and suddenly he's not what he wants; but maybe he never meant a thing to Andy and maybe he was never what he wanted. Maybe Nick was simply a tool that was used to pass the time away. So now he lays awake at night asking himself the same tiring question, is he in love with him, or is he in love with a version of him that no longer exists? He just wishes his love had've been enough to make him stay.

"Where's Andy?"
Nick asks, looking around the room hastily. John sits himself down, Simon stares out the window, both of their faces hold sad expressions, Nick waits a second more, waiting for an answer.

"Hello? Are you going to say something?"
Nick asks, clapping his hands together to catch their attention.
Nick has been waiting for Andy for so long, he longs for him every day, he misses his touch, his kisses, the way he would hold his hand, all of it, he needs him in his life. Yet he knows that he cannot miss that anymore, because when Andy comes back- he is certain that is not what they will be doing together.
Before they started to be more than friends, they found it difficult to get along, every chat ended in an argument, they were two complete opposites, both wanting different things each time, never agreeing. Nick had a hatred for him like no other, something within him burned every time he seen him, he could never understand why he couldn't get along with him, they just never seemed to click. That was until Nick and Andy were in the studio, arguing, yelling back and forth at each other, up close and personal, he remembered Andy shushing him, cupping his face, Nick had never liked him in that way, but in that moment his baby blue eyes shone like diamonds, his lips looked ever so beautiful, he was completely drawn in by him, their lips moulded together perfectly, as if they were made to do just that, he melted right into him, all his anger soon turned to arousal and lust. They done as much as they could in the time they had then, until it became a regular thing, any time they got the opportunity they would go at it again and again, it only got better every time. They soon realised that their anger towards each other was nothing but sexual frustration, they had now found the solution to their arguments, they both promised not to tell the rest, it was now their little secret.
Nick found himself not being able to sleep at night, his mind only waned Andy, no one else. He thought he only liked him in a sexual way, but as each night went by, his nights were spent thinking of him over and over, he realised he was in love with him, completely and utterly in love, he wanted them to be more than just fucking regularly, he wanted all of him.
It was until Nick was under the idea he wanted the same, when he thinks of the night he will never forget.
It was 4AM and they were driving around with no sense of direction, Andy's car windows down and the music loud, they're singing along like two fools who never want to grow up, Andy stares at Nick with a smile on his face, he's laughing like he's never seen before. It's the truest sense of bliss, Nick is so happy they are enjoying something other than sex, Andy is his feeling of heaven. The things they do, Andy is the only person he can find peace in doing them with. He dreams like an idiot of them getting married some day, and living like old people, he thinks the road ahead is long but so wonderful. And there Nick was, smiling back at him, he thought they done it, that they made it.
But as weeks went by, Nick saw Andy becoming more angry again, with all of them, he thought it would never turn to him, but it did, Andy yelled at him like he used to, and it scared Nick more than anything, watching his eyes burn nothing but anger to him, no more gentle eyes, no more lust, pure anger. Nick could never understand what had went wrong, the band were also always arguing, the five of them for the first time had grown sick of their company, even though they were so close not too long ago. Nick tried to talk to Andy, tried to understand what he done to deserve his hatred. Andy never opened up about it, it became arguments once again, but that didn't stop Nick from loving him, ever. So they realised they had to spilt, and it didn't mean forever, a break, you could call it. Nick wanted to be with Andy more than anything, but they hadn't kissed or done anything together in so long, Nick would cry endlessly over him, he hated that he cared so much, he just wished he would leave his mind. So Andy went with John, to start The Power Station, and Nick went with Simon, to do Arcadia, he decided to change his look completely, he became so angry at Andy, he used to say he loved his blonde hair, so he went to black, he used to say he loved his colourful clothing, so he dressed dark, put on dark makeup, he done as much as he could to forget Andy. He could never focus, he longed for him, every second he thought of him, he would get small flashes of nights he would spend with him, it felt like heaven, Nick wanted no one else. As days went by and Andy never called, Nick started to think that he never cared for him, that he just used him for his own pleasure, his own enjoyment, played with him like a toy, only to leave him. He tried to think that they were never a thing, just endless hookups, hookups to stop the arguments, but Nick thought they shared the same idea when he thought there was something more about the time they spent together, Nick never fell for the people he slept with, he had no intention to, but then Andy came along, and he wanted him to be his boyfriend, not just someone to fill his lonely nights.
Simon always tried to get him to open up and find out why he was never happy anymore, but Nick kept his promise for Andy, he would never tell. He found himself thinking he was never good enough, how could he be when he wasn't enough for him to stay? He just wished he could ask him face to face, why did he leave? Why did he act like they didn't go through all the things they did? He missed him so miserably. Then Nick's hope began to come back, when they decided they wanted to be Duran Duran again, and Nick started to feel sparks of happiness, he thought of seeing Andy again, and they would go back to the way things were, he dyed his hair back to blonde, just how Andy liked it, he wanted to look perfect for him. John, Simon and Nick all had talked, and they wanted it again, so they called up Roger first, and he said he didn't want to be apart of it, he said he was happy to stay out of the toxicity of it all. They understood, but it was still upsetting, Roger was the peace maker of the group, always was, he played brilliantly too, Nick always loved his playing, he really fit their sound. They all tried to agree that it would still be okay, they'll get a drummer and then get Andy back, and that's all Nick really cared about, to see him again, yes he was nervous, but he knew the only way to get him back was to see him, it had to start somewhere.
So they searched for him, Nick would call him endlessly, but he was always left ringing on the line, even before when he would try to phone him when he was still in Arcadia, there was never an answer, it was quite hard to grasp that Andy had completely blocked him out of his life, he used to wonder if he was embarrassed of what they used to do, so he tried to block it out completely, but he could at least tell him that, not just leave him with no explanation.
So Simon would be looking everywhere for him, Nick would ask all the time if he heard anything from him, but it was always no.
Until one night, Nick got a phone call from Simon late at night, he was so tired that he didn't want to pick up, but he was glad he did.

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