Chap 12

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Nick packs his bags, although he packs more than last time, he a strange feeling he'll be in LA longer than last time, or so he hopes.
His heart does not slow down the whole time, he's panicking, hands shaking, head starting to hurt, but he knows, he knows their story isn't over, they are not done with what they started, Nick never has a good feeling about things, he's always been more of a half glass empty kind of person, so if he has hope about something, it has to go well. He just really hopes it does.
Andy has always been stubborn, it was those types of things that Nick used to despise about him, he despised him simply because he couldn't get enough of him, his attitude, his sarcasm, he craved him because of it, he never knew why, it just reeled him in.
He realises he shouldn't just barge into his house like last time, so unexpected, it doesn't seem fair to Andy, he should know if he's coming over.
He sets his bags down, shaky limps walking to the phone, he remembers he used to call him all the time, ask him if he wanted him to come over, each time he did the sex just got better and better, only because he was falling in love, and sleeping with someone you love is so much better than a stranger.
He dials the number, he doesn't think he'll ever get sick of doing that either, he's the one person he'll always want to speak to no matter what.
The phone rings, over and over, that sound tickles Nick's brain, almost making his eye twitch, that sound had become the most depressing sound lately.
His heart sunk a little, not receiving an answer, just as he is about to set down the phone, he hears the other line pick up. His eyes widen, and he slowly puts the phone back to his ear, he hears nothing, just slight breathing through the phone.
"Andy..?" Nick says, his voice is barely above a whisper, he shouldn't be so nervous, he knows Andy so well, he's not scared of him, just scared on what to say to him.
"Nicky..." Andy breaths into the phone, his voice is calm, gentle. Nick floods with relief at the use of his nickname, his heart begins to slow its pace, but he's still frightened.
"I-I wanna see you. Please, just let me talk to you about something, then I'll leave you alone, you won't have to worry about me again." Nick says, his words are almost a plea, he taps his fingers onto the table, biting his lip, his breathing is shuddering.
There is a deafening silence between the line, Nick wants to ask if he's still there, yet he knows he is, he's just thinking of an answer.
"I'm still in LA, I'll be here all day. Okay?" Andy says sternly, a smile tugs on the corner of Nick's mouth, he floods with relief, other people would find his tone rude, or dry. But that's just how Andy is, he's not good at sounding nice.
With that, Andy hangs up, Nick still has the phone close to his ear, staring blankly in front of him, he can't believe he is letting him see him.
He doesn't know how it's going to go, or why all of a sudden he's letting him, but he knows he has to, he worries if he says he still loves him and that's not what Andy wants, what if Andy just wants to use him again?
But he replays John's words, and how he noticed he changed, if John noticed it too, then it couldn't just be him.

He knows exactly where to go as he makes his way there, this time he doesn't want to turn back, he wants to keep walking forward, getting closer to Andy, he replays in his head what he wants to say, but he knows it'll not come out the way he wants.
He overthinks every little thing that could go wrong, and how the out come will be, he imagines Andy saying he doesn't want to see him again, he cringes at the mere thought.
He already went to his hotel room, set everything away for when he comes back, he would either be walking back to it in joy, or complete heartbreak, that was the thing about not knowing, you always think the worst.
He looks up, squinting his eyes at the house as the sun is almost setting, the sky is a beautiful pink colour, Nick wishes he brought his camera, it's truly something else.
He rubs the back of his neck, reaching the door of his house once more, he feels stupid again, that sudden urge to leave, he tries to push it down, tell himself it's going to be okay, it's Andy, how cruel could he be? Especially to Nick, the one person he had that soft spot for.
Just before Nick knocks, to his surprise, the door already seems to unlock, Nick weirdly smiles, he already sensed he was here. How adorable of him.
The door suddenly opens, two baby blue eyes peak out, green meets blue for the first time in so long, and Nick doesn't know what to say, he stands with his mouth slightly open, watching Andy study his face.
Andy steps aside, allowing Nick's entrance.
Nick hesitates slightly, but soon enough, he steps in, the silence between them is still daunting, this really isn't going to be easy, is it?
Nick takes a deep breath, turning around to see Andy sitting exactly where he was last time, staring at the floor nervously, picking at his nails.
He's beautiful. Nick thinks to himself, as he looks at his eyes that he can barely see, then to his perfect side profile, small nose on show, lips a beautiful baby pink, naturally of course, Nick hated him for it. His jawline, small and sharp, and Nick finds himself so drawn by him, his every move, the way his chest goes in and out slowly as he breaths. All of him.
A word isn't spoken between the two, Nick can tell Andy is nervous, his leg is bouncing, as he bites his nails, it gives Nick a sense of comfort knowing he's not the only one panicking.
"You wanted to talk to me." Andy mumbles, still looking to the floor.
His words make Nick flinch, that soft raspy voice, his strong accent, it almost stung to hear him talk.
"I- Yeah..." Nick says, trailing off, all of a sudden all the things he wanted to say left his mind, he is too busy staring at Andy, but it looks like Andy is waiting, it's intimidating, he feels like he's on a timer.
"I just want to know why, I want to know what I done wrong." Nick says, he doesn't have to explain what he's talking about, Andy knows just what he means.
"You didn't do anything wrong, for fuck sake." Andy snaps, the anger coming right back again.
Nick doesn't want this to end in an argument, he promises not to raise his voice at him.
"Well then why, why did you go?" Nick asks, stepping closer to Andy.
"It's complicated, alright?" Andy says, turning his head away from Nick.
Nick curses under his breath, he wishes he would just talk to him, at least look at him.
"Well I'm here to listen. I can't walk away without knowing, I don't care how complicated it is." Nick says sternly, he hopes Andy will give him the satisfaction of looking at him while he's speaking.
"I just got sick of everything okay? I got frustrated and being in the band wasn't helping."
"Frustrated with what?" Nick fires back, he needs to know everything he can get out of him.
"Fuck sake, Nick! What is your problem?!" Andy exclaims, holding his head in his hands.
"You. You're the problem. Just talk to me, tell me the real reason you left." Nick demands, he won't leave until he tells him, he won't be able to live with the frustration forever.
"What exactly do you want to hear?" Andy hisses, his hands now in fists.
Nick stops, his lips pouting slightly, he has an idea of what he would like to hear, he's hardly going to tell Andy that though.
"I want to know why you left me behind, why you treated me like you did and then pretended we were nothing. After everything we've been through, your still pushing it away." Nick finally admits, his lip begins to quiver, he doesn't want to cry, although it isn't that easy.
"We? What even are we anymore?" Andy asks, finally turning to Nick, meeting his eyes.
"That's what you need to tell me for fucks sake!"
"I don't know what you want!" Andy yells back, standing up from his seat.
"Andy, you must remember how differently you treated me, how we were together for so long. I hate to admit it, but you kissed me with care, not anger, you kissed me like I meant something. You made me feel wanted." Nick clears his throat, as it starts to burn up with tears, he takes deep breaths, trying to hold them back.
Andy's features soften, it seems as though his anger drifts away, as he studies how vulnerable Nick looks in this moment.
Andy simply stares at him, he clearly wasn't expecting him to bring up their kissing, he's lost for words.
Nick gets more angry as the seconds pass and he still decides not to speak.
This was a mistake.
Get out of here.
No, don't. He needs you.
All these thoughts swarm Nick's head, he's hesitant to even move.
"Wow, and your still deciding to not say a fucking word? This is how you treat me? After everything we've been through, all those nights spent together and for what? You're still a cold, evil bastard-"
"Fucking shut up, Nick!" Andy yells at the top of his lungs, turning to Nick.
Nick flinches back, he feels himself freeze in shock, as he looks at Andy's face, his eyes are bloodshot, his hands are shaking as tears fall from his eyes.
It's at this moment Nick realises he has never seen Andy cry, he looks so helpless, so fragile he might break, it scares Nick to see him like this.
There is a small silence, all Nick can hear is Andy's small whimpers as he tries to not sob.
"Andy..? Are you- Are you okay?" Nick whispers, slowly stepping closer to him.
"Do you know how hard it was to push you away? How difficult it was to pretend I didn't care for you?" Andy snaps, leaning Nick against the wall once again, his eyes are wide at Andy's words, he stares into his eyes, his hand trembles, he's stuck on what to do.
"I know what I done was wrong, but I was so afraid, I was afraid of how much I wanted to see you every day, because I'd never felt that way towards someone."
Andy says, his tears keep falling from his eyes, he looks so hurt, Nick wants to rap his arms around him and let him cry onto him, he can't even process the words he's saying.
"I'd never let anyone, or anything hurt you, you were the first person to make me feel that way, and I panicked." Andy says, he sits back down in his seat, his breathing shudders as he wipes away his tears with the back of his hand.
"So I tried to get you out of my head, so I left, I left because I felt so wrong for wanting you as much as I did, scared people would notice." Andy cries, while a tear drops from Nick's eye, he bites his lip to make it stop, but hearing Andy say these words make him feel like he's dreaming.
He watches Andy study his face, looking up and down his body, his eyes gliding across every part of him.
"But yet even after all this time, you're still so beautiful. I'm so jealous of you it hurts, and that was always a reason I hated you. Because I'm me and your you. I- Fuck. I'm such a fucking asshole." Andy hisses, before he covers his eyes, leaning on the table.
Nick is in complete shock, he soon takes his hands off the wall, and a small smile tugs on the corner of his lips, with no hesitation, he runs to Andy, throwing his arms over him, holding him as tight as he possibly can.
He buries his head into Andy's shoulder, while Andy cries silently into his chest.
After what seems like forever, Nick lifts Andy's chin, meeting his eyes, a smile on his face.
"How do you feel about me now?" He whispers, his voice gentle while he cradles Andy's head.
"The same way I did when I first kissed you, stupid." Andy whispers back, a smile on his lips.
With that, Nick leans his head, pressing his lips against Andy's, the first time feeling his sweet lips in so long. The kiss is just like their first one, sweet but so meaningful, Nick is beaming, he can't believe it, John was right.
Nick parts from the kiss, looking into Andy's gleaming eyes with a smile.
He brings himself on top of Andy, knees to each side of him, Andy soon traces his fingers along Nick's clothed skin, soon gripping Nick's lower waist.
Nick sets his hand onto Andy's chest, as they both stare each other in, both knowing just what they want, what they need, their eyes hold so much words, it should be easy enough to just kiss again, but they take their time, after all, they have plenty of it.
Andy grabs him by the shirt collar, crushing his lips against Nick's. Nick gasps softly before starting to kiss him back, both have such a wild hunger within them, they want each other, right now.
Nick opens his mouth to let Andy in, and he doesn't hesitate to do so, his tongue wants to explore every inch of the mouth he remembers so well.
Andy takes him, pushing him against the wall, holding him tight just so he has no where to go.
He holds Nick's thigh, other hand on his waist, causing Nick to moan low into his mouth, leaving Andy spiralling into arousal. He starts to kiss him harder, more rough.
Nick parts from him, soon going for his neck, sucking and applying pressure to all the right places, while Andy keeps a firm grip on his upper thigh, stroking him to perfection.
"Andy..." Nick moans, Andy finds himself frustrated with how much he's feeling, he fears if Nick moans his name like that, this won't last long.
Nick bites his lip, trying everything to keep his moan back, he looks to Andy's bottom lip, which is now red and swollen.
"You feel so good... Fuck, I missed you." Nick whispers, filled with pleasure, as he sighs happily.
"I know you did, I'm irresistible." Andy teases, their faces inches away from each other.
"Y-You're such a prick, again, haven't changed a bit." Nick stutters, he's finding it difficult to speak when he's this turned on, it makes Andy happy to know he's doing a good job.
"Atta boy, that's what I like to hear, your still my Nick." Andy whispers, he knows he's got him rapped around his finger, although he can't pretend that he isn't the same.
Arousal floods his body with those words, he gives a small moan, even his words turn him on.
Nick grabs Andy's collars, spinning him around, switching their rolls, he smirks at Andy's surprised face.
"Weren't expecting that, were you?" Nick whispers, holding him down.
"N-No..." Andy whispers, admiring Nick's features.
Nick giggle softly, before pressing his lips against his once again, catching Andy off guard, he didn't mind though.
As the two went at each other, their heavy breaths became pants, Nick bit Andy's bottom lip, knowing it drives him crazy, and it does.
"Jesus, Nick..." Andy moans, and Nick feels his heart pumping twice as fast, his accent makes it far better.
Nick breaks from the kiss, staring into Andy's eyes, which are filled with pleasure.
"Take me to your room, I'd like to get familiar with it again." Nick whispers, in a demand so strong, he needs him now, he's finally remembering just how good Andy was.
"My pleasure." Andy says with a smirk, taking Nick by the hand, rushing him up the stairs.
As they make their way to the bed, Andy turns to kiss him once again, before Nick pushes him onto his bed, and Andy lets him, lets him take control.
Andy kisses him passionately as Nick is towering over him, holding his small wrists down, Nick remembers how beautifully Andy kisses, he kisses with love and care, so much affection in his love making.
The two part, breathing heavily, eyes closed, Nick rests his forehead against Andy's, their noses brushing off each other.
Nick takes Andy's chin, moving his head to the side, he lays kisses all down his neck, Andy raps his arms around the back of Nick's neck, scrunching the back of his grown out hair.
It's until Andy takes him, switching places, he roughly kisses Nick's neck, while Nick is pinned down, eyes closed, basking in his pleasure.
He puts his hand up Andy's shirt, feeling his bare chest with his racing heartbeat in the palm of his hand.
Nick feels as though he's in a dream world, he hasn't felt this good in so long, he can't believe Andy is giving him all his love.
He shoots his eyes up to admire Andy's beauty, so up close and personal, while Andy kisses his neck, almost like it's his canvas.
He pushes his finger up to the corner of Nick's jaw, feeling his pulse thump out of his skin.
"Your pulse is racing, everything alright love?" Andy whispers, a cheeky smile tugs on his lips.
Nick rolls his eyes at him, he is toying him perfectly, completely teasing him, only making him want more. Andy has always enjoyed taking control of Nick, completely stripping him of his pride.
"I want you. Right fucking now." Nick demands, breathing heavily, Andy looks to his eyes, moving his hair away from his eyes so he can adore the beautiful green hues he has.
"You've got me, all of me." Andy whispers back.
Nick takes his shirt, grabbing it off of Andy, now being able to adore his bare upper half.
Andy fumbles clumsily with the buttons on Nick's shirt.
"Is this okay?" He whispers, looking to Nick, he knows he can be uncomfortable about his body.
Nick smiles at how respectful he is, such a gentleman, without even realising it.
Nick simply nods at his question, as he watches Andy's gorgeous eyes fall onto his chest, as he unbuttons his shirt.
Once Nick's chest is in view, Andy starts to kiss along Nick's collar bone, then down his chest, kissing all along his small frame.
He kisses further down until he reaches Nick's trousers, he looks up to him an eyebrow raised.
"You wanna..?" Andy says, knowing Nick will know what he means.
"What the fuck do you think?" Nick snaps, slightly out of breath.
"Shit, I forgot you were such an angry bottom." Andy teases, unbuckling Nick's belt.
"Yeah, yeah." Nick breaths.
Nick glimpses to Andy, a smile on his face, he loves him, so much, and he loves him back. He realises there is no where he would rather be.

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