Chap 2.

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"Charley? It's three in the morning, what's going on?"
Nick asked, his voice raspy and rough from sleep.
"It's Andy. He's coming here tomorrow." Simon said sternly.
Nick sat up straight away, his eyes widening, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"He...He is?" Nick asked, his reply quite delayed.
"Yeah, I don't really know how this is supposed to go, the prick had me searching all over for him."
"Oh don't call him that, Simon."
Nick said, even though Simon wasn't really wrong, but he would never let anyone say anything about his Andy.
"You don't realise how difficult he can be." Simon growled, Nick rubbed his eyes, of course he could, he was closer to Andy than all of them.
"He just needs to come back now, four is better than three."
Nick says, trying to keep it positive.
"If this had've been a few years ago when you two done nothing but argue, you would've been jumping in joy for him not being here."
"Not true. We just didn't get along back then."
"Exactly." Simon snapped.
Nick could completely understand why Simon and John were annoyed with him, Nick would be too if he didn't love him so much.

Nick didn't sleep that night, he stared up at his ceiling in the dark, the only light was from the moon, shining in to balance out the shadows of his furniture. He started to think of how close he and Andy had been not too long ago.
What a prick.
He thought to himself, he was so nervous to see him, although why should he have been? Andy was probably sleeping like a baby right now, while Nick lay wide awake panicking over him. He felt that seeing him he wouldn't know whether to punch him or kiss him.

The next day, Nick got up from a restless night, he got on his makeup, making it look as good as he could possibly get it, he stared at himself in the mirror, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, his heart was racing, he kept thinking of what he was going to say to him, how he was going to react, if he was even going to talk to him. He hoped he wasn't going to be cruel, Nick would probably cry on the spot.
He made his way to Simon's house, walking up the small steps, he had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, wondering if Andy was behind the door or not. It took him a while to knock, he had never been more nervous to see him, finding it hard to picture how they can look at each other without those memories flooding back.
He knocked quickly, his eyes are clenched shut, waiting for a response.
"It's open."
Simon shouted from inside, Nick would've preferred him to open the door for him, this seemed far more awkward now.
Nick opened the door slowly, the door handle was so cold it stung him. He walked in, closing the door behind him, and this all led up to the present moment.
He walks in, Simon is looking out the window, John looks to Nick, sighing, before he sits down on the couch, Nick looks around, no sign of Andy.
"Where's Andy?"
Nick asks, looking around the room, the two have sad expressions on their faces, their features soft.
"Hello? Are you going to say something?"
Nick asks, clapping his hands together to gain their attention. When he finds no response, he looks to John, John is his life long best friend, he's always been truthful to him, no matter what, ever since they were 15, he's always had his back, so he looks to him, waiting.
John catches his stare, he groans, knowing he's going to have to say something.
He begins, before trailing off, Nick sits down beside him, still waiting.
"He's not coming, Nick."
Simon snaps, still looking out the window, Nick shoots his eyes to him, almost wanting to laugh at that response.
"What? Why not?"
Nick asks, trying everything to just sound interested rather than disappointed.
Simon rubs his eyes, turning to Nick and John who sat closely on his couch.
"Well, when is he coming?"
Nick asks instead, seeing as they don't answer his question.
"He's not."
John mumbles, he hates to be the one to say it.
Nick turns to him, his eyes widening, his hand begins to tremble once again, he can't believe what he's hearing, nor does he want to.
"What do you mean he's not? Of course he is."
Simon curses under his breath, he's clearly angry at Andy, so is John.
"Well there's not exactly much to it, Nick. He's not coming back."
Simon hisses, causing Nick to flinch slightly, he never sees Simon so mad, he's usually jumpy and the one to bring everyone up. Nick stands up, shaking his head, almost trying to deny it.

"What did he tell you?" Nick asks, looking to both of them back and forth for something.
"He said he just doesn't want to do it, he wants to be on his own for now on."
Nick scoffs, his throat starts to burn, he has such an urge to cry, but he can't, he has to hold back his tears, although he doesn't know how much longer he can hold it in.
"But... He promised-"
"It's Andy, Nick. What the fuck did you expect?! I knew he wouldn't come back." Simon shouts, cutting Nick off.
Nick's knees grow weak, he just wants to disappear now, hide away from the world.
"Why would he do that? Something isn't right." Nick says, he just wants to believe that somewhere within Andy he's still that kind soul, the Andy Nick knows and loves, he doesn't want to believe he's different now.
"Because he's a fucking dick, that's why. He couldn't even bother to tell us he wasn't going to come back months ago."
Simon says through clenched teeth, Nick's heart hurts hearing him talk about him like that, he always wants to stick up for Andy.
"What do we do now, huh? How are the three of us going to make an album?"
Nick asks, but he doesn't care for the album, nor the band, he just wants to know why Andy is leaving him.
"Well we're going to get another guitarist, aren't we? We don't need him, fuck him." Simon hisses. Nick scoffs, he can't believe he's saying that.
"Another guitarist? You're not serious. We can't do that."
Nick says, his voice is slightly trembling, none of this feels real.

"And why not? He's not the only guitarist you know."
Simon says, throwing his hands in the air.
Nick feels like punching him right in the face, hard. He makes sure to keep his distance from him, he fears he just might.
John just watches, rubbing his head, he's so tired of the arguing, he thought they were over that now, and that they would all be okay again.
"Whether you hate him or not, you know he made our music better, you'll never get that again, bet me on it."
Nick says pointing his finger at him, his voice slightly raised. If Simon is going to yell, so is he.
"Watch me. I'm sure there is someone far better."
Nick scoffs, shaking his head, he looks to John, hoping for him to back him up, but he doesn't speak a word, he stares blankly, listening to him and Simon yell back and forth.
"You know and I know that without him we would have been nothing."
Nick says, inching closer to him, Simon steps closer too, probably in a way to try intimidate him, but it isn't going to work, Nick could never be afraid of Simon. He stares into his eyes with confidence, he knows he speaks nothing but the truth, not just because he loves Andy.
"Oh really? You mean me? You all would have been nothing without me."
Simon snaps, poking his finger to Nick's chest.

Nick raises a brow, his frustration builds, all emotions tower over him, crushing him to the point he's nearly breaking, sadness, anger, guilt.
"And where the fuck would you be if it weren't for me and John? A failed actor?"
Nick asks, his tries to keep his voice calm, although it holds such bitterness behind it.
"Just admit it, Andy worked hard in our band, if anything he was the musician of it."
Nick snaps, he backtracks his words, maybe that isn't the best thing to say, Simon's eyebrows furrow, he studies Nick's face, almost looking for the right place to punch it.
"And what were you saying to Andy a few years back? How much you hated him and how shit his sound was? Where did all that go?"
Simon says, his voice more calm, only making Nick more angry, if he is trying to wind him up, it's working.
"He pissed me off, I know that. You establish it all the fucking time. But his sound was never bad, I said it because it was the only thing to piss him off."
Nick says, trying to keep that same calm tone as Simon is holding.
"He's just a guitar player, Nick. He was our guitarist and now he's gone. We can replace him, so what is your problem?"
Simon asks, keeping his stare fixed on him, Nick starts to panic, it is probably really suspicious as to why he cares so much, in their eyes he is just their guitarist, or was.
"I...I just- I want this album to be good, I know it won't be without him."
"Who the fuck are we to you? Why are we not enough to make this album?"
Simon asks, Nick is stumped by his question, he still didn't care much for the album, he just wants Andy, he wants him to hold him in his arms like he used to.
Nick parts his mouth to speak, but closes it again, not finding any words.
"If he can leave us like that, we can easily leave him, who cares for him?"
Simon says, but his words are not hitting Nick's ears, as much as he wants to, he can't agree with him.
"If he came here tomorrow, you would let him in, wouldn't you? No matter how much you think you hate him right now."
Nick says, tears fill his eyes, he hopes it will go unnoticed.
"I wouldn't. He doesn't deserve to be here anymore."
Simon hisses.
Nick scoffs, taking a step back, he can't bare being here anymore.
"I can't believe you."
Nick whispers, he looks to John, who meets his eyes, before quickly turning away.
"Either of you."
He snaps at John, before he leaves the house, slamming the door as hard as he can. It's hard for him to grasp that he can't react like that, he feels awful, but he's done it now, there's no going back.

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