Chap 11.

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"Where do you plan on going after this?" John asks, Nick isn't expecting that to be the next thing he says, but he's glad to get away from the subject they were on.
"I-I don't know. Far away from here."
Nick glares as John, what is he getting at? He's confused on what he wants out of him, he hopes to not let anything slip.
"I said I don't know John. God, what is wrong with you?" Nick asks, folding his arms, crossing his legs.
"What's wrong with me? Shouldn't I be asking you the same?" John snaps back, moving himself so he's only facing Nick, which only makes this more intimidating.
"I told you, that bastard kissed me. He pissed me off." Nick says, he doesn't exactly know how long he can keep this up.
"What, to the point your sobbing? Plus, I don't mean now; I mean in general." John says, folding his arms too.
Nick turns to him, his heart starts to quicken its pace, John doesn't break his stare from him, he doesn't know how to get out of this.
"You know I've just been a bit sad lately." Nick says, doing everything he can to swerve the question.
"A bit sad? Nick I've known you since I was 16, I have never seen you so upset."
"Well I don't know what you want from me, okay? I've been upset ever since..." Nick trails off, stopping himself from finishing his sentence.
"Ever since..?" John asks, leaning his head closer to Nick, an eyebrow raised.
Nick doesn't speak, he simply stares into John's eyes, his throat is suddenly dry, he doesn't know what to do, he wishes he could just disappear, disappear and never return.
"Ever since Andy left." John says, finishing the answer to the question he asked.
Nick looks away from him, he can't keep his stare up, he's panicking, he knew this would be difficult if it ever came to happen, but not this difficult, his whole body is filled with tension.
"You miss him, a lot, don't you?"
"No! I don't. He doesn't mean anything to me." Nick snaps, he can feel his hands tense up into fists, he's terrified.
"Nick... I know that's not true."
Nick shakes his head, but gives no response, he's sussed out, right? He is trapped with no where to go now.
"Okay, maybe I do miss him a bit, what's wrong with that?"
Nick lies, maybe John hasn't got him yet, maybe he just thinks he misses him a lot.
"It's more than that, Nick. Way more."
Or not.
"What do you mean?" Nick asks, but he knows just what he means, and it scares him.
"You love him, don't you?" John whispers, a small smile on his lips, showing he's not angry, nor confused.
"It's okay, Nick. I could tell."
Nick's eyebrows furrow, he can't believe this is happening, why is he not screaming at him? Why is he acting like this is so normal?
"How?" Nick asks the most stupid question he possibly could, how could John not know?
John lets out a giggle, surprised at his question.
"How could I not? But... I also have something to tell you." John says, looking down at the floor, Nick can't even process the information he's just heard, how is he going to deal with more news?
Nick gives him the silence to speak, tilting his head to the side to let him know he's listening.
"I-I saw you two, on our last tour backstage, I saw you kissing him."
Nick's eyes widen, he sits up from his seat, rubbing his head before he leans his hands onto the table, he feels as though he might faint.
"Fuck..." He breaths out, trying to process it in his head.
"I didn't want to tell either of you, I just couldn't believe it myself. That's when I realised why your arguing came to a stop." John says, twiddling his thumbs.
Nick sits down in another seat, he's finding it hard to process it all.
"Well uh- congratulations, you caught us." Nick breaths out, he needs a cigarette, badly.
"I mean, at the time I couldn't believe you two were a thing-"
"We weren't a thing, John." Nick corrects, recalling that all he ever done was fuck Andy.
John's face grows confused, Nick knows he has to explain it all now, it seems tiring to even think about.
"We- We just had sex, that was it. No feelings. We didn't care for each other."
John scoffs, before he sits to where Nick sits, staring him in the eyes.
"That's complete bullshit." John says, a smirk on his face.
"It's not. Well, it's half bullshit. I loved him, he didn't love me back." Nick says, his face going red from embarrassment, saying it out loud really makes him realise how stupid it really is.
John's features soften, feeling sorry for his best friend.
"You couldn't be more stupid, could you?" John whispers, catching Nick's attention, that isn't what he was expecting him to say back.
"What?" Nick asks, biting his nails.
"You really think he didn't love you?"
John's question leaves Nick even more confused, he doesn't know what to say, in his mind yes, he doesn't love him, he wanted his body and left, right?
"Nick, your both as blind as each other." John says, he takes Nick's hand into his, moving closer, preparing himself to speak.
"Do you really think that even after how much his mood changed and how happy he was that you were just sex to him?" John asks, looking Nick up and down quizzically, a small glimmer of hope flutters in Nick's heart.
"Nick, he changed for you, let alone because of you."
Those words sent a shiver up his spine, so John noticed how different he was? It wasn't all just in Nick's head? It scares him to even imagine how long John has kept this to himself.
"I-I don't think so, John. We both agreed it was all we wanted." Nick says, still choosing to doubt John's words.
"So he said, Nick. Doesn't mean it's true." John whispers. Nick opens his mind up more, he isn't wrong, but he still doesn't know if he can really believe that Andy loves him.
"I remember how his face lit up at the mere sight of you, even hearing your name caught his attention!" John exclaims, causing a smile to form onto Nick's lips, he doesn't even mean to, he just can't believe it.
"Any time you looked down he went after you, without even realising it."
Nick is trying to process this, he's still trying to process the fact John knows, now he's being told that he knows Andy loves him.
"He's crazy for you, Nick. Just too afraid to admit it, just like you were." John says, holding his hands tighter.
Nick's leg starts to bounce. A sick feeling hits his stomach, but it's not necessarily a bad feeling, excitement and nerves fill his body, he doesn't know whether to believe him or not.
"I care for you both, and knowing that you two aren't together but want to be annoys me so much." John says, his sweet brown eyes only makes Nick want to believe him more, but John doesn't know that he already tried, and he pushed him away, again.
"I want you to know that you changed him. If he wanted sex he could have got it anywhere."
Nick sighs deeply, leaning back in his seat.
"Jesus christ, Johnny. I didn't even notice it in him, I thought he still hated me when we did fuck around, I thought I was the only one." Nick breaths out, he can't even believe he's talking to his best friend about his affairs with his band mate, it seems so weird, but a relief to get it off of his chest.
"No, of course not. When we were split up he never focused, he was always down, always distracted. I had an idea it was because of you." John says with a smile.
"So, what do I do now?" Nick asks, turning to John, hoping he has an answer.
"Go to him. Get your man, Nick. He needs you." John encourages, patting Nick's shoulder.
Nick thinks about it, he can't help but smile at his friends words, he doesn't know how to feel right now.
"But... What if he turns me down? Then what?" Nick says, again overthinking it, as always.
John shakes his head, he's most definite that won't be the case.
"Then he doesn't. But I know Andy. I know when he has it bad for someone, which is rare, but you changed that. You flicked a switch in the guy."
Nick beams, giving a small squeal in excitement, he throws his arms around John, holding him tight.
"Thank you, John. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."
John strokes his back, smiling from ear to ear.
"Don't worry, a smile on your face is all I need to see. Now, go to him. Give him what you both want." John whispers in his ear.
Nick nods quickly, his smile is blinding, his perfect teeth are now on show.
He reaches for the door, but stops himself, turning back to John.
"Oh, by the way, please don't tell Simon, or anyone for that matter, please? We wouldn't be ready yet." Nick asks, his lips pout slightly.
"Of course not, your secret is safe with me." John says with a wink, Nick smiles to him once more, before he closes the door. He doesn't even have to worry about John telling anyone, he trusts John with his life.
He walks down the hall, seeing Simon walk his way.
"Where are you going in such a rush?" He asks, taking his cigarette out of his mouth.
"Somewhere, I have something important I have to do." Nick says with a smile on his face.
"Uh- okay?" Simon responds, although it sounds more like a question rather than a response.
He can't believe he's going to him again, but this time, it's going to be different, he's going to talk to him, he wants to crack him open like he did before, understand him again.

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