Chap 18

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Nick quickens his pace as he rushes down the long empty corridor, piles of notes in his hands, almost falling everywhere.
He mutters meaningless nothings to himself, trying to keep his head straight, reading the pages but not actually taking in the information that is upon them. He rubs his head, quickly looking up from the pages every once and a while, making sure he doesn't fall.
It's been a very busy time for them, Nick isn't so mad about it though, this is what he likes and wants to do, no matter how stressful, he's clearly used to it.
He's up earlier than he ever is, although he realises he can't just be reckless anymore, he's got a job, a band that needs work done.
Just as Nick is walking along, still muttering to himself, his train of thought is immediately stopped when his head feels the impact of someone crashing into him, hard.
He looks down, all his papers on the floor.
"Shit, sorry about that, Rog."
Nick laughs softly, rubbing his head.
"It's fine."
Roger says with a smile, kneeling down to help pick up Nick's notes.
Nick soon follows after, kneeling down beside him.
"So, why are you in such a rush?"
Roger asks, running his eyes down the pages as he picks them up.
"Oh, just a bit busy."
Nick mumbles back, gathering all his pages together.
Roger takes out his hand, helping Nick up, while Nick thanks him with a smile.
Nick moves a page to the front of his pile, reading down it to remember what he was doing.
"Oh Roger, would you be a dear and bring this down to Simon? He's got a phone call he needs to make."
Roger lets out a groan, looking to Nick who has his puppy eyes on, it's quite difficult to say no to him.
"Am I your servant or something?"
Roger asks, raising a brow.
"If you want to be."
Nick says, taking the papers off of Roger, a smirk on his lips.
"No thanks."
Nick laughs softly, handing the page to Roger.
"Sure, I'll make it up to you."
Nick says with his hands on Roger's shoulders, knowing fully well he won't be.
"It's fine, you're in a rush to see Andy, I'm guessing?"
Nick rolls his eyes, although still smiling at the mention of his name.
"Oh don't you start."
Nick says, rolling his eyes.
He then starts to think of Andy, wondering where he could be right now, he wouldn't mind seeing him.
"Well, I best give this to Charley."
Roger says, snapping Nick out of his day dream.
"Thank you, darling." Nick says with a heart warming smile.
Nick is still smiling as he walks away from Roger, he can't believe he's back, he never thought he'd see the day, it's amazing to see him back in the group. It didn't take much to get him back though, it only took a quick phone call, Nick told him that Andy was back, which caused Roger to laugh; he didn't believe him the slightest bit. He said he would have to see it to believe it, and when he did, he felt as though he couldn't not join, if Andy was here, he definitely had to be.
Simon and John were starting to wonder how Nick was doing it, getting the whole band together again, it seems to be Nick's charm, he likes to think of himself quite hard to resist, charming enough to get what he wants.
He begins to walk hastily, a door at the bottom of the corridor, he licks his thumb quickly to turn the pages, his head aches, he knows Andy has been busy today, he dreads to think how grumpy he is going to be, although Nick is sure he can change that.
Nick soon finds himself clumsily tripping up and falling through the double doors that he didn't think would come up so soon. He stumbles in, luckily catching himself, he could be clumsy, although he usually never fell, he's like a cat, always landing on his feet.
Nick mutters, rubbing his head and gaining his balance.
He looks up, eyes widening in shock before a smirk creeps onto his lips, he had no idea anyone was in here, he didn't think it would be Andy either.
He sets down the pages on the table beside him, tilting his head as Andy still hasn't looked up.
"Hi, darling."
Nick whispers, taking off his jacket.
Andy shoots his eyes from his pages, pupils widening at the sight of his boyfriend in front of him.
Andy mumbles, before looking back down at his pages.
Nick's eyebrows furrow in confusion, his reaction a bit limited to his presence, he hasn't really seen him all day because of how busy they are.
He takes a few steps closer, looking around the room before his eyes fall to Andy once again, who is rubbing his head in frustration, muttering to himself, Nick can tell he's angry.
"So, what's up with you?"
Nick says, slightly teasingly as he sits close to him, tracing his eyes up and down Andy.
Andy lets out a sigh, rubbing his eyes.
"All this fucking work, just stresses me out."
Andy hisses, chewing on his pen.
Nick lets out a small laugh, before moving closer to him, Andy watches his every move, his eyes every once and a while falling to his pink lips.
"You sure that's all?"
Nick whispers, tracing his fingers along Andy's leg, toying with him.
Andy bites his lip discretely, trying not to smile.
He puts his head up in thought at Nick's question, although he knows rightly what else it is.
"I dunno, missing you I suppose." Andy whispers, laying his hand on top of Nick's.
Nick smiles from the corner of his mouth, looking down at Andy's hand.
"Charming, me too."
Nick whispers back, before he gets off of his seat, taking both Andy's hands.
Nick eyes him up, biting his lip as he holds Andy's hands close to him.
"So, what are we going to do about it?"
Andy asks in a whisper, still looking to Nick's lips.
Nick laughs softly, before taking the papers from off of Andy's lap, giving him room to take a seat upon Andy's lap, his knees on both sides of him, putting his hands on the back of his neck.
Andy lets out a small laugh, biting his lip as he traces his fingers along Nick's waist.
"You don't look so grumpy anymore."
Nick says, moving Andy's hair from his face.
"Come here."
Andy demands, pulling Nick in closer by the waist, their lips finally moulding together.
Andy tugs him in further, closing the distance between them, his hands meeting Nick's elegant figure.
Nick places a hand on his chest, splaying his fingers and running them down, painfully slow to tease him.
Nick lets his his tongue explore Andy's mouth once again, the taste of cigarettes and alcohol in his mouth, somehow pleasant to him.
Andy kisses him slowly, there's no place he would rather be, Nick is so special to him, everything about him is magical, he never wants things to change.
His hands soon travel down to Nick's thighs, holding them close.
Nick loves the feeling of Andy's chest rising and falling in his hands, slowly getting quicker as he kisses him harder.
Andy slowly moves his hands up Nick's thighs, stroking him to perfection, knowing just what to do.
Nick moans softly into his mouth, holding him tighter.
"I want you so bad, Nicky."
Andy whispers back into his mouth, slightly smiling.
"Fuck... Me too."
Nick whispers as they part from their lips before diving in for more.
Andy sucks on Nick's bottom lip, causing Nick to let out a moan, quite loudly it surprises the both of them, Andy lets out a laugh as Nick covers his mouth.
Andy admires Nick's red- tinted swollen lips, before he looks up to his pleasured wide eyes.
This is all he was thinking of all day, partly the only reason he was cranky today, he missed his touch; although this still isn't enough.
Nick smiles back, before he takes Andy's face, pressing a hot kiss to his lips, slowly going down his neck, showering him with kisses.
Nick giggles quietly as he listens to the small whimpers escaping Andy's lips, it's like music to his ears to know he pleasures Andy instead of the other way around.
"I-I love you."
Andy whispers, overwhelmed by the love he's receiving.
"I love you too."
Nick says before he goes to Andy's collar bone, his oversized shirt hanging loose on him.
Andy groans slightly, before he takes the bottom of Nick's shirt, slowly lifting it up.
Nick breaks away from Andy's skin, letting out a surprised gasp before he takes Andy's hands, pulling his shirt back down.
"We can't, Ands. Not here."
Nick whispers with a small smile, slightly enjoying how desperate Andy is.
Andy lets out a groan, rolling his eyes.
"Why get me excited for nothing?"
He whispers back, tracing his hands along Nick's waist, liking how he's still perched on his lap, legs rapped around him.
"Don't worry, I'll have you later."
Nick whispers in his ear, poking his nose.
Andy flinches, before letting out a small laugh.
"I'd like that."
Andy says with a smile.
Nick finally gets himself up from Andy, straightening out his shirt.
"Let's get out of here, shall we?" Nick asks, knowing Andy won't hesitate to leave.
Andy gives him a nod, holding his hand out for Nick to help him up.

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