Chap 17

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"This is stupid. I can't do this."
Andy groans, taking Nick's hand away from his eye.
"No it isn't Ands, let me finish the mascara okay? It's hardly a lot of makeup."
Nick says, moving Andy's face back to him.
Andy rolls his eyes, leaning back into Nick.
"This isn't going to go well, trust me on it." Andy whispers, flinching as Nick applies his mascara.
"It will! We're going to talk to them, together, I'm sure they will let you in."
Nick says, reassuring Andy, although it isn't really working.
Nick is filling with excitement, he can't believe he convinced Andy to try come back, it took him quite a while though, while Nick went on tour Andy missed him so much, there was only a few times he could see him, that was really one of the reasons he wanted to come back, so he didn't have to leave him anymore. The tour was hard for Nick, considering Warren had to be there the whole time, although he didn't speak one word to him, both of them were nervous as they had secrets they could tell at any time, so they stayed away from each other.
"They're gonna think I'm trying too hard." Andy groans, Nick knows he's being childish about this, but that's just what he's like, it's hard to convince him to do anything.
"No they won't, I want you to be nice to them, okay? It's the only way this is going to work." Nick orders, he knows Andy has an attitude problem, Nick can too sometimes, so he feels the need to warn him to be kind to them.
"If I have to."
Andy teases, a small smirk on his lips.
Nick can tell Andy is nervous, for once he can see it, it's hard for him to get like this, but Nick knows he should come back, he also knows that Andy wants to, he's just bad at admitting it.
Although what Nick doesn't know is that Andy is only nervous because he doesn't want this to affect their relationship, he fears that if they reject him, Nick will want him to go, in his heart he knows Nick would never, but his mind is filled with 'what ifs?' at all times.
"There, done."
Nick says with a smile, sitting up from beside Andy, setting his mascara onto the counter.
Andy watches Nick's every move, biting his lip nervously, his leg bouncing.
"What's wrong?"
Nick asks, watching Andy look at him fearfully.
"I'm just afraid that they won't want me."
Andy mumbles, looking down at his nails.
Nick's features soften, seeing Andy so vulnerable makes him feel nervous.
"Oh Andy, come here."
Nick whispers, sitting back down beside him.
He takes his chin, lifting his face so their eyes meet.
"I'm sure they will, they still know how talented you are."
Nick reassures, but Andy isn't so worried for that, he wants to know what happens if they don't want him back, where do they go from there?
"It's not that."
Andy says, almost below a whisper.
Nick tilts his head to the side in confusion, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Go on, talk to me."
Nick says, setting his hands onto Andy's knees, comforting him.
Andy rolls his eyes at himself, letting out a groan, he annoys himself sometimes with the fact he can never open up, he finds it too embarrassing, especially in front of Nick, he doesn't want to seem weak in front of him, he wants to seem like he can keep Nick safe, not the other way around.
"I just... What happens if they don't want me back? Where do we go from there?"
He asks, not exactly his worry, but it's close enough.
"What do you mean?"
Nick asks.
Andy looks down again, he finds it good to know Nick is quite clueless, it doesn't make this easier, it's just cute to him.
"We're not going to change, are we?"
Andy asks nervously, playing with the buttons on Nick's shirt.
A smile slowly appears on Nick's lips, he can't believe he would even think something like that, Nick could never change them, he's been more than happy, happier than he has been in months.
"Oh, Andy. Why would that ever happen?" Nick asks, leaning his forehead onto his, their noses touching.
"I don't know, I just thought things could get complicated."
He mumbles, feeling comfort with Nick so close.
"I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you."
Nick whispers, hoping that'll clear things up enough.
Andy smiles, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, Nick's voice is ever so soothing.
"I promised you I would never give up on us and I'm keeping that promise, no matter how hard things get, I love you too much to let go."
Nick whispers once again, he wants it to be completely clear in Andy's head that he's going no where.
"Forever, you promise?"
Andy teases, although he does mean it, he wants to know that their relationship is here to stay.
"Forever, you idiot."
Nick laughs, placing a kiss to Andy's nose.
Although Nick knows he's never leaving him, he dreads to think that maybe one day they won't be together, saying forever doesn't satisfy him in the slightest, Andy is the first person to make him feel like forever isn't long enough.

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