31. The Secret that Stings

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Jimin was asleep when I entered the room, and part of me was glad. With him dozing, I had the chance to process his state again without plastering on a brave face for him. The fear, the anguish, the guilt—it all overtook me as soon as my guard fell. His feet were elevated like last time, and his expression was drawn into a scowl. The bed was beside a window overlooking the city, and the evening sun streamed in and cast a beam of light over half of his face. I went over and quietly drew the curtain.

There was no use blaming myself for what happened to him—I knew that, but it didn't make it any easier to avoid. I still regretted my lack of caution. If only I'd regarded the warning more carefully, Jimin would be freed of such an unfair burden. Even in unconsciousness where breath should've come with ease, his body remained tense. His brows pulled inward over his shut eyes, and the prominence of his jaw muscle signaled how tightly he was biting down in his sleep.

I reached out and feathered the back of my hand over his cheek, hoping the feeling would somehow translate into his dream and bring him comfort.

Jimin had always been passionate. Where I hesitated to pursue a new interest, he dove in without a single doubt. Where I questioned if I wanted to continue, he committed with resolve. He fueled my perseverance to dance throughout every difficulty that came into my life. Bouts of anxiety as I began high school, my parents' abrupt split, the breakup with Seokjin, all would have otherwise stopped me. But Jimin's dedication to what he loved most made it impossible for me not to seek the same. He had a way of inspiring everyone he knew.

With a faint, bittersweet smile, I remembered the promise he made to me after my parents' divorce was finalized.

"No matter how many things fall apart around you, and no matter how broken you might feel, I promise I'll be here to piece you back together."

He'd kept his word without fail, and that made the whole situation more unbearable. He always presented himself as invincible, always had a smile on his face while he assured me that he was well. But for the first time, he was the one tearing at the seams, and I had a part to play in getting him to that point.

To thank him for lifting me back to my feet after every fall, I crippled him.

Just as a pang pierced my chest and tears burned my eyes, Jimin stirred. With a single inhale and a couple blinks, my expression relaxed. Did he do the same when he needed to mend my shattered heart? Had he been biting back tears and burying his pain too?

"Hey," he said in surprise after his eyes opened to meet mine. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

I hummed. "Should I go then? I hate to be a bother," I teased while making a step toward the door.

He scoffed and grabbed my wrist. "You're not going anywhere, jerk. Come sit."

My short chuckle filled the air, then I sat on the chair beside his bed. Leaning forward, I propped my arms along the bar that framed the mattress, resting my chin on top of my hands. Jimin turned his head against the pillow to face me, taking a moment to read the details of my face.

Even in a hospital bed, he was still searching to make sure I was okay.

"I know we kept texting, but I feel like you haven't been telling me everything," he began, careful to speak low. There was a rasp in his voicea. "I see how tired you are."

Chewing on my lip, I took a deep breath before responding. "Why do you do that?"

His brows furrowed. "Do what?"

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