41. The Masquerade (I)

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(Part One)

I loved the third boy.

I had loved him as much as I loved Jungkook and Hoseok, if not more. Still yet to remember exactly how our feelings developed, but that single memory at the piano told me enough. The peace and the joy that filled my chest in that flashback were all too clear. The notes those fingers wove together were unmistakable as they were written in front of me. For me.

It was all planned. The Hood knew that once he altered the song to be as it was in the past, it would spark my memory. That I'd remember, at the very least, that we once shared an intimate connection. He intended for me to know what we had meant to each other, but did he realize that he also revealed his identity?

Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi—

Hoseok took my face in his hands, reeling me out of my head. The music had stopped, the crowd was applauding, and Hoseok kissed my cheek before taking a bow. I curtsied automatically, but everything felt foggy and distant, even as we exited to backstage.

"That was incredible!" Jimin exclaimed before barreling into me. He squeezed me against his chest, released his hold, then smiled toward Hoseok without batting an eye at his uncovered face. "I knew you could dance, but watching you with her out there was something else. I'm glad you chose to perform."

"You can thank him for that," Hoseok said as he nodded toward his brother.

Jungkook was leaning against the wall across from us, arms folded over his chest. He waved Hoseok off. "You needed to remember what it felt like to perform in front of an audience. And Jangmi needed you on stage with her."

Jungkook's selflessness, Hoseok's courage were so powerful, and I wanted to fully appreciate them both, but the image of Yoongi's hands on the piano was too commanding.

"Red? You okay? You're not looking so good," Jungkook commented.

My mouth finally opened, but I couldn't so much as meet his eyes before a hesitant voice called my name.


I turned along with the rest of my company, sensing the tension in their bodies when Seokjin came up to us. He held a single crimson rose in his hand, using the other to swipe his hair away from his forehead.

"Hey," I managed to say, feeling an unexpected wave of relief upon seeing him and knowing without a doubt that he was not my enemy. That he was just an imperfect person who made mistakes and was trying his best to rebuild himself.

"I know it's not much, but..." he carefully handed me the rose, ears a little pink, "I remember you used to talk about how much you looked forward to going to this school, and one of your dreams was getting to perform in a showcase of theirs." He paused to glance down just as Hoseok's hand entwined with mine. Meeting my gaze again, the corner of his mouth lifted. "I guess I just wanted you to know how happy I am for you," he told me, and I knew he meant it.

"Thanks, Jin. I'll be sure to get you flowers when you snag that lead role you've been waiting on."

He seemed almost surprised, but his smile grew broad. "I'll hold you to it." Then, looking to Hoseok, he said, "You were great, too."

"Thanks," Hoseok replied without a hint of friendliness.

Jin cleared his throat. "Well, I have my last exam in the morning, so I'd better head off. I'll see you guys tomorrow night?"

"We'll be there," I said before any of the other males could glare him down in response.

After he left, the guys looked at me impatiently.

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