07. The Game

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"I want you to be my dancer

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"I want you to be my dancer."

There was a powerfulness in the way he spoke; a kind of domineering strength that loomed over me and made me feel smaller than I was. Everything about him - his dauntless eyes, his confident posture, his deep tone - made refusing him seem like a move too dangerous to make.

But would it be more dangerous than accepting his offer?

My breaths grew shallow, palms beginning to sweat as I strained to keep my face impassive. The chance that he used the same term as the writer by mere coincidence was low, but I supposed it was possible. Still, the fact that he was known to avoid people but had taken some sort of interest in me was strange, to say the least.

"What would being your dancer entail?" I questioned, voice coming out mild yet stable.

He scanned my face, then his gaze fell over my body. I searched for any sign of lust in his eyes and found it there, only it didn't seem exactly sexual. So then what is his desire towards me?

"Private lessons with me. I'll make you a better dancer so you can perform my routines," he stated firmly.

Fear snapped its hungry jaws as it tried to latch on to me, but I wouldn't let it. My determination to solve the mystery and put a stop to it was greater than the terror that wished to consume me.

For all I knew, Hoseok was the writer, and his proposal could simply have been the next move in his twisted game of chess. The stare he was giving me was as sharp as ever, filled to the brim with calculation and a certain...craving.

Though I knew accepting his deal meant entering myself into his game, I felt that giving in to cowardice would be the same as forfeiting. If he wanted to play, so be it.


I had every intention of winning.


Jimin had invited me to hang out with him and the other guys again that night. To my surprise, we didn't meet at the opera house. Instead, I was directed to find them in one of the common rooms of the largest male dorm building.

I was the last to arrive, halting their conversation as I walked into the space. Ignoring their gazes, I quickly took in my surroundings. A deep gray painted the walls and the floor was made of cherry wood. Three black couches circled a dark table, Yoongi and Taehyung sitting on one, Jimin and Namjoon on the middle one, and Jungkook and Jin on the last. In front of them was the centerpiece of the room: a stone-framed fireplace. The light scent of smoke met my nostrils as the orange flames danced and waved, an occasional crackle or pop sounding from them.

"So is this where all of you dorm?" I asked as I moved to one of the couches, taking a seat between Jimin and Namjoon.

"Me, Jin, and Namjoon do. This building is for upperclassmen," Yoongi started explaining.

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