38. The Recollection

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It was working. Hoseok's tour through places of our past effectively sparked my memories, and with every returned piece, my feelings for him deepened.

He led me first to an old park where we used to race across the field together. Sometimes Jungkook came too, but that field was special to Hoseok and me just like the ragged treehouse was special to Jungkook and me. My favorite memory from this spot, out of the many that came back to me, was the time we were on the swings in the corner of the park.

"You're going to freeze if you don't put this on," Hoseok proclaimed as he tried again to wrap his jacket around me. I was on the swing and he stood in front of me, preventing my good time. Dots of snow clung to his lashes.

"Hoseok. I am perfectly fine. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I need a jacket more than you do!"

The boy with the bandanna shook his head. "That's not it, Jangmi! I just... I stay warmer than normal, so I don't need it. But you're shivering—"

"Am not," I denied, but his eyes narrowed instantly.

"Are too! Quit being so stubborn."

After wearing a short pout, another burst of nipping wind sent a shiver through me. "Okay, fine. But I'm only wearing it for your sake, not mine."

Hoseok's eyes curved from a smile I couldn't see. He stood closer and helped me slip my arms through the sleeves. When he was done, I reached out and placed my palm on his forehead, to which his eyes widened and his body froze.

"You really do stay warm, huh?" I said, moving my hand to feel the side of his neck too. Also warm. "I guess if my hands ever get cold I can just do this," I said happily, resting both hands at the back of his neck.

"Are—Are they cold now?" he asked quietly, eyes still alert and nervous, darting between my own. The tops of his cheeks peeking above the black cloth on his face were tinted pink. Our faces were pretty close, and I could see all the special shades of yellow and gold in his gaze.

"Yeah," I nodded and pulled him closer, "So let's stay like this for a while longer. Until they're all warm."

Hoseok blinked a few times, then he whispered, "Okay."

"You were so cute," I laughed as the two of us presently sat on the same swings. It was poetic, really, considering it was another freezing winter day—light snow and all.

Hoseok glanced at me from his own swing, then let out a faint scoff. "Cute," he muttered as if the word was utterly ridiculous.

"Would you prefer totally adorable?" I grinned, using my feet to keep the swing moving the slightest bit. Hoseok's eyes narrowed, and I gasped when he suddenly stood a breath in front of me, his hands gripping the chains at either side of my head to stop me from moving.

"I'm not cute." His voice came out low, almost rough, as one warm hand gripped my chin to angle my face up at him. "And I most definitely am not adorable."

Whenever this dominant side of his made an appearance, my muscles turned to limp noodles. Thank goodness I'm sitting down—Hoseok leaned closer, his eyes soaking mine in—and thank goodness he's wearing his mask so I don't have to worry about yet another method of Jangmi-annihilation.

I swallowed, choosing (unwisely) to push his buttons further and see how he'd react. My finger tapped the part of his mask where his nose was. "Fine, you're not cute or adorable. You're just absolutely darling."

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