22. The Spark

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The classical music that carried throughout the room would have been calming if my mind was not so preoccupied. I was dazed, my muscles mirroring the actions of the other dancers as we warmed up, our feet sliding and tapping on the floor. Even our professor's strict voice barking out instructions was not enough to pull me from my thoughts.

To start, our class was relocated to a new studio since the previous one was affected by the fire. Repairs were being done on the damaged areas, and several classes had to meet in an older, more historic building on campus. The studio we were in was more spacious, with wooden beams on its high ceilings and hanging, old-fashioned lights that glowed a dim orange. The space was less modern but held a beauty to it that I could not appreciate as the new setting just reminded me of what that monster did to Jimin.

Then my thoughts were brought to what happened after Jungkook dropped me back off at the hospital. Once Jimin's parents left to eat, I was able to tell him about my time with Jungkook and my vague memories of him as a kid. With an ache deep in my heart, I found no surprise in Jimin's eyes - only guilt. He knew about my history with him all along, and as he later admitted, he also knew that Hoseok was Jungkook's brother. I felt so guilty for not telling Jimin about how Jin and I broke up, all while Jimin had been keeping much deeper secrets from me. Secrets about my own past, and secrets that would have helped me in my quest to learn more about those who surrounded me.

He only offered excuses and riddles just as Jungkook had.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Jangmi," he said while regret settled on his features. He reached for my hand from his place on the bed, but I remained still. "I couldn't. I wanted you to ask him because it wasn't my secret to tell. They have reasons for hiding things from you. If I ever thought you were in danger, you know I would have told you right away."

"So that's why you said it couldn't be Hoseok or Jungkook? You already knew about their past with me, and you still know more than you're telling me, right?" I asked, feeling my grasp on composure slipping away with each second.

Jimin nodded, brows knitting together as he observed me. "Do you remember when Jungkook and I came late to the opera house that night? He was telling me about their plans to help and how he wanted you to remember everything."

"And you truly think we can trust them? Whatever else you know, it's enough for you to believe them fully?"

He nodded. "If you trust me, you can trust them, too."

For the first time, Jimin's assurance did not ease the turmoil that raged within me.

Early the next morning, Jimin sent me away, saying he refused to let me 'babysit' him. He advised me to stay around Jungkook as much as I could and to not go anywhere alone. Begrudgingly, I agreed to return to school, and Jimin's mother offered to drive me back to campus. I gladly accepted it.

A day later, I was back in our Contemporary Ballet class. All throughout the warm-ups, my eyes continued to linger on Jungkook in the reflection, only to be caught under the demanding hold of a certain pair of amber eyes.

Hoseok stood next to the professor and towered above her smaller figure. Arms crossed like always, he scanned the room occasionally, only to focus in on me again. Even with his mask on, I could sense that he knew something had happened between his brother and me.

The strong presence of those two, along with the absence of Jimin, made it impossible to concentrate fully. Only when we were instructed to go to our dance partners and practice some moves did I finally gain enough focus.

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