04. The Suspects

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The day flew by, my mind bound in a haze of questions and fears

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The day flew by, my mind bound in a haze of questions and fears. Jimin's parting words had left me unnerved. I'd never seen him so grave before, and the amount of seriousness he directed toward the note had me reevaluating the matter.

"Be sure to lock your door."

Was he simply trying to prevent another letter from being left in my dorm, or was he worried that something more sinister would happen? My chest tightened at all the different scenarios that flashed through my head. What if whoever this person was had more in their plans than sending a note to mess with me?

The possibility had already crossed my mind, but I'd been in denial. Though nuanced, there had been no actual threat made, so I'd done my best to brush it off as a prank. But Jimin reminded me that it could, in fact, be something much worse. If I received another letter, I would have to talk to the student safety services and see what they could do for me.

After getting through my final class of the day, I found myself too afraid to enter my dorm alone. Pulling out my phone, I sent Jimin a text.

Are you busy?

Just got out of class, why?

I'm scared to be in my room alone.

I watched the dots appear and disappear several times, signifying that he wasn't sure what to say. Finally, he replied.

I'll meet you there. Give me 10 mins.


I settled myself down on a couch in the common area, just a few feet away from my hall. Pulling out my notebook, I decided to pass the time by sketching. Only five minutes in, a deep voice pulled me from my zoned-out state.

"Excuse me."

Glancing up, I found a young man looking at me expectantly. He had a mess of silken midnight curls that fell just above his almond eyes. A strong nose, wide lips with a deep cupid's bow, and a square jaw made for a masculine face.

"Yes?" I closed my notebook as I gave him my full attention.

"Is this the guys' dorm?" he asked, staring.

"Uh, no. Actually, this is the girls' dorm," I replied, feeling my heartbeats rise. It was already the first day of classes. Wouldn't he have moved in and known where the dorms were by now? His question didn't sit well with me, and I got the feeling he knew exactly where he was.

"Hmm," he hummed, slipping his hands into the pockets of his coat. His mouth opened to say something more, but the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted him.

"Jangmi, there you are." Jimin walked into the room, relieved when he spotted me. He came closer, stopping a few feet in front of the black-haired man, his gaze shifting between the two of us apprehensively. "Who are you?"

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