20. The One to Trust

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"Mi, can we talk?"

Seokjin's tone was soft while his eyes begged me to accept. The wild desperation that stained his face the last time we spoke was replaced with a look I never could forget. The regret he wore was just as strong as the day he shattered my heart.

"So what's the plan?" Namjoon's husky voice saved me the trouble of responding. The tall male walked up and brought his arm around an aggravated Jin, squeezing his shoulder.

Taehyung lagged behind and went to stand near Namjoon. "Will we be heading back soon?"

"You guys can go back whenever you want. I'm staying overnight," I said, earning their attention.

"What about your classes?" Namjoon asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure staying with Jimin is worth missing a day or two of classes."

"I wasn't trying to say they're more important, I just wanted to make sure you knew to email your professors," he explained. "They're relentless when it comes to attendance."

"He's right. To them, missing even just one class translates to you wasting their time and not taking your acceptance into the school seriously," Jungkook said. "They'll usually let you off for one or two absences if you email them about it, but even that's pushing it."

My heart sunk. "What about Jimin? He'll have to sit out until his feet heal. You don't think they'll suspend him or anything, do you?"

Jin brushed aside his annoyance enough to join in. "No. They can't suspend anyone from their program on the basis of an injury. It has to be the student's decision, but I wouldn't be surprised if they tried pressuring him to drop out."

The fury over what had been done to Jimin reignited in my chest, sparking out to every part of me. What The Hood did to him went so much deeper than physical burns. I had to see him, I had to let him know that I couldn't involve him any more than I already had.

"That won't happen. Jimin would never give up his spot, so let's not worry too much," Jungkook said, assuring me with a slight smile.

"I think we'll head out after I see him. Yoongi's in there now. That sound okay?" Namjoon asked as he brushed lavender hair from his forehead.

"That's fine with me. I'll probably need a ride back tomorrow morning though."

"I'll come to pick you up in the morning if you want," Jungkook offered. I searched his eyes briefly before nodding.

"That works."

"Jangmi, do you think we could talk now?" Jin asked, and I felt tension return to my body.

Namjoon's eyes found mine, surely noticing my discomfort. He looked back at Jin. "I don't think that's the best idea. Things didn't exactly go well the last time you two talked alone."

Jin sighed defeatedly, lowering his head. "I know. I screwed up, and I understand why you're hesitant to let me talk to her. But I just... I need one more chance to explain things. After that, if Jangmi asks me to leave her alone for good, that's what I'll do."

Each of them looked at me in some form of concern, and I was surprised when Taehyung spoke quietly beside me, his tone so deep that it was difficult to make out.


I looked at him for a second, his alert eyes hidden behind black curls. Was that a warning, or is he truly concerned?

"It's okay," I said, turning back to Namjoon. "We'll talk here. You guys can stay in sight so everyone feels at ease."

As much as I dreaded another interaction with Jin, I knew it was best to get everything cleared out once and for all. Then, of course, there was the issue of determining if he was my tormentor or not.

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