12|| The Hospital Playout

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My father had just frightened the hell out of me so much to the extent that I could literally hear my heart thumping through my ears.

I'm a hundred percent aware that my mother and I aren't always the hunky-dory type but if anything was to happen to her, that'll be the end of me.

Not literally, chill.

It took every cell in me to run as fast as I could to the school gate only to be welcomed by the unfriendly expression of two security guards.

Since I had already called myself a car, I didn't see the reason to waste time and pay more for nothing.

Who would have known a simple trip could cost $50+ ?

"I need to get through." I told them holding onto the gate bars.

"Miss Manor isn't it?" one of the asked making me roll my eyes.

"Yes! Now can I please get through, it's important!" I told him.

"You know we're not allowed to permit students to go out right?"

"What?! You think I'm stupid enough to not know?" I practically shouted at this moment but quickly lowered my voice considering school hours were not over.

"Five hundred dollars each." I finally huffed at them making them look at each other's face.

"Five fifty." One of them tried to debate.

"Whatever! Six hundred, just let me get through." and with that, they opened up the grand gates and I rushed out running down the path over to the black car that had been waiting over five minutes for my arrival.

It had been over thirty minutes since we took off when the car finally stopped at the hospital.

From there, I knew it was now or never. It was like playing a game of fire. Like touching electricity with wet hands. This was a dangerous moment for me and for my mother as well.

"Amber Chloette Manor?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

In my opinion, she didn't look a day over fifty. With black hair put up in a messy bun, large cat glasses and long nails hitting each key on the keyboard so quickly leaving a deafening sound behind.

And it got me wondering if it's just her or all other receptionists do that?

Hello? Someone's life is on the line!

"Good afternoon Miss." I said again trying to be more polite this time. "-I'm looking for my mum, Amber Chloette Manor?" I told her.

For a moment, she looked up from her monitor and our eyes met.

"Last floor, private section."

Now let me tell y'all something. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet down by now. Probably even ten but that was a minor problem for now.

I run to the elevator tapping the up button viciously until it finally opened and I stood in.

At that point, so many scenarios were going through my mind. What if she was already gone? I never said my goodbye. I never got the chance to tell her how much I loved her.

It was at the moment like this that a realised how important everyone in my family is.

Before the elevator door could finally open, I rushed past it racing for the section that 'PRIVATE' boldy written on the wall.

The moment I entered, that's when I saw it.

I saw my family and unfortunately, my annoying big brother.

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