15|| All over again

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"Girl, if you don't put my clothes ba-

"Shut the f*ck up bitch!" Tyra shouted at me while playing with a pair of red lace brassiers I owned.

Now can someone explain this? Why do best friends enter your room and think what's yours is theirs?

Carrie and Tyra had been trying on all my expensive clothes for the past one hour and dumping them on the floor like trash.

With the excuse that they need to look and I quote : "Something Exquisite." and this made me wonder what they meant by exquisite if not what they were dumping costs not less than a thousand dollars.

With every clothing that hit the floor, I felt my heart break...literally.

"Do y'all think this is good?" Carrie asked us holding up a plain white kneel leveled dress which slightly displayed her baby bump.

Yep, that's right, Carrie is pregnant.  Probably for a few weeks now but it's still noticeable.

When Tyra and I heard the news we couldn't be more excited to have a baby amongst us but we did feel a bit uneasy since Carrie is quite young being eighteen.

"It's perfect, just make sure Dean replaces my clothing." I told her before turning back to the book I was reading.

What was this? A charity store?

"Lilac?" A voice called causing me to look over to where it was coming from; it was my mum

"One sec guys." I addressed my best friends before walking out of my bedroom.

"What is it?" I asked her , crossing my arms on my chest.

"First of all, get rid of the attitude miss and second of all, where is Mathew?"

"Oh- I'll start keeping tabs on him."

"I thought I told you to get rid of the attitude, Lilac."

I simply rolled my eyes at her and walked back into my room which had now turned into something like a warehouse for clothes.

What's a bra doing on the window seal? I asked myself, walking over to take it off.

"Ladies, ladies, you're pretty." I got their attention as I tried my best to tidy up. "-we can go shopping or something, but I don't appreciate my closet being turned into literal carpets."

"What's up with you?" Carrie's resorted, jumping onto my bed. ""-I thought we were picking out what to were to Zion's party." Tyra chipped in.

"Let's just say I suddenly feel unwell." I kind of lied, flopping a huge pile of clothes on my bed and it was the that moment that I knew I had my work cut out for me.

"Come on, what's wrong?" Tyra asked, dumping the clothes back on the floor to sit on the bed.

At that very moment, I was contemplating on wheather to tell them or not. I mean... they are my best friends but some stuff are kind of embarrassing and personal.

Everything was wrong. Everyone except them for some reason knew about me and Malachi and I'd have to face that if I happened to go to the party. What happened to me trying to stay lowkey and on a more serious note, how in the hell did everyone find out!

My mind was ticking like a stop clock and with each second that passed and each possible lie that I tried to formulate, it brought me to a dead end.

It was at moments like these that I wished I hadn't been born.

Carrie kept staring into my soul waiting for an answer and Tyra kept looking at her long nails like it was the most interesting thing in this world. "Waitingggg..." she said, in a sing - song voice.

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