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You know that moment in time where everything's a daze? That particular moment where you're not too sure what's going on?

It's like you're in control but on the other hand,you're not. Your mind says no but your body says yes. Hell, your body screams yes.

It's like a drug you take. One dose and your addicted. A few more and you become intoxicated and if I was to say I wasn't...well damn, I'd be a fucking bloody liar.

With every kiss that we shared; passionate, smooth and slow, I felt myself falling more and more for him. I told you, it's like a drug an addictive one as a matter of fact and to be honest, I think its effects were catching up to me.

I wasn't even sure how long we'd been locked up in his hot place but one thing was for sure; it hadn't been that long since no one had attempted to use the bathroom.

Being still fully dressed, nothing much apart from the savouring touch from each others lips was going on but despite that, I felt connected to him even though this wasn't right. This could ruin us as individuals.

We've already been exposed once which had favourably been kept in the school campus but one we're outside, anything could go wrong. Not just for me, but for both of us and most of all, the reputation of America.

I couldn't let this go further. At least for his sake if not for mine so I slowly stepped back a little embarrassed from what just went down.

"We shouldn't have." I whispered, now starting at my disheveled demeanor in the mirror in front of me.

Lilac Manor embarassed.


Coming to thing of it, this would never have been me a few months ago in that luxurious hotel back in Barcelona. I've become a wreck. A blackmailer, an a admirer and a whole lot of private shit to get in check.

"I really like you Lilac." Kai, admitted walking closer behind me. "We-

"-no! We cannot, will not and will never be anything more than friends. You have a reputation to keep and so do I so I'm not going to let your feelings get in the way." I spat causing him to go dead silent.

"You may like me Malachi, but us? That'll be too messed up."

"So I don't get a say in this?"

"There's nothing to say. Don't you get it? I'm being blackmailed for probably kissing you in public and you're just hanging around like a money with no problems."

Quicker than I expected, Malachi's calm character changed. It went ice cold probably colder than he north pole but hey! I've never been there so...

He walked back towards the door looked at me and said: "If you really think you're that important Lilac then you're damn wrong because we all have problems and guess what? Just because I'm the president's son doesn't mean my life's all hay and sunshine."

"Out of everyone here, I though you'd understand." he added, with a really soft tone and with that he left.

He left me alone in that overheated bathroom to possibly sulk and drown myself in thoughts.

I've been doing that too much lately so I'd suggest a change. It's time to drown my thoughts in drinks.

Within seconds, I sorted my messy hair out glossed my lips and casually walked out looking for the drinks table once more but this time, there was something or rather someone on my mind.



From that night, all I remembered was drinking all the drinks that could go down my system leaving a burning sensation in my throat and a glimpse of me climbing the pool table.

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