Chapter two:These are the rules, peasant

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Kaeya was enjoying his nice rest, a peaceful and oh so delightful rest. That was until an annoying abyss mage woke him up. "The prince has requested for you to wake up at once peasant. " Kaeya sighed. He sat up and rubbed his eye. "Yeah, yeah, tell him I'll be there. "

With that the abyss mage teleported out of his room. Kaeya sighed and stood up. He changed his clothes and saw his old outfit freshly washed and folded with a card on it say; 'do not wear. ' Next to it had a white folded shirt with Golden rims around it saying; 'wear this. '

Kaeya shrugged and out the outfit on. It was white with golden rims around the sleeves and collar, as well as the bottoms of his pants with a golden strip going down the shirt where the golden buttons were. Under it Kaeya wore a white shirt and white dress shoes and socks. Kaeya put on the collar and looked in the mirror.

Kaeya fixed the collar and smirked to himself. "Even with most of my charm gone I still look fine" He brushed his hair and made himself look more presentable.

Kaeya walked out and was informed to head to the dinning room just down the hall, with the huge doors. Kaeya nodded and started heading that way. "You know if I'm supposed to be some peasant why do I wear such fancy clothing..... " Kaeya thought, entering the huge room where the prince sat, two abyss herald guards on each side of him.

Kaeya let out a small sigh and walked over. "Sit down" Kaeya nodded and sat down. He wanted to ask why he was dressed in such fancy clothes but Aether started talking first. "Although I told you that you will be by my side.... I have changed my plans. You will be delivering letters, bringing me anything I request and other activities that involve you not staying by my side. "

Kaeya listened to Aether. "You will be officially off from your duties after dinner unless I say otherwise. Other than that I don't care what you do as long as you're not breaking the rules. " Kaeya nodded. "So what are the rules you majesty? " Kaeya asked politely as possible.

Aether cleared his throat. Oh boy. "Number one, you will wear the clothes layed out for you. Number two, our guest are top priority, you will treat them with all respect unless I give you permission otherwise. Number three, you are free to go anywhere in the castle but outside, and my restricted areas unless you are with me" Aether fixed his posture a bit.

"No for the obvious rules, don't curse, show me all of your respect, don't attack without order from me, and be polite. " Aether paused. "I thought long and hard about this but you will be allowed to use self-defense if you feel threatened or violated by a guest, if need be you may knock them out. " Kaeya nodded. "Understood you majesty."

Aether hums. "Good, now let's get on with the day, you will be given a schedule and your own office that you may enter whenever you like unless you are with me. " Aether showed Kaeya around and showed him the restricted areas which was the dungeon and a certain chamber Kaeya didn't dare to ask questions about.

Everything was actually pretty fine, Kaeya was surprised how well treated he will be. Aether showed him the office. "This will be your office, there are books you can read if you ever get bored, the ones on your desk regard our rules, ranks, and who you revive commands from, today all you will be doing is getting used to your position. " "Yes your majesty"

With that Aether bid him a farewell and left. Kaeya stretched and yawned. He sat down on the comfortable chair examined the room. It wasn't like the other rooms, it was made out of oak just like the desk with golden lines, the bookshelves filled with information on the abyss and stories Kaeya could read.

Kaeya's desk had a quill and ink with papers on the side. The glass that held the ink was closed and the clean quill was next to it. Kaeya out them in the drawer where more quill and ink was. He grabbed the ranks and their rules book and started reading.

Kaeya had learned a lot after he read those booked. Only Aether could boss him around unless other command was given. Kaeya could order abyss heralds, mages and even hilichurls around with Aether permission. Kaeya's rules really weren't much so Kaeya actually really didn't care being some servant.

It was about three hours later of Kaeya cleaning and messing around in his office when he was given his first task, deliver a stack of papers to a certain abyss mage so it could give them to the court of Khaenri'ah.

Kaeya was frantically asking around and looking around for the mage until he spotted it. "Excuse me, prince Aether requested these to be delivered by the court. " The abyss mage nodded and teleported away.

Kaeya walked back to Aether's office. A light knock. "Come in" Kaeya entered. "Your majesty the papers are being delivered. " "Good" Aether wasn't paying attention. He was too busy writing something down.

Kaeya stood there, not wanting to say anything so he wouldn't sound rude. "Is there something else or? " "Ah! No, sorry your majesty, I shall take my leave if you need me to. " Kaeya really didn't want to die to this guy.

Aether fixed his posture and looked at Kaeya. "After one day you start to behave, you don't want to die? " "No your majesty" Aether smirked a bit. "And who says I won't kill you even if you listen and behave? " Kaeya kept himself calm and quiet.

Aether smirked. "Of course I wouldn't kill you, you have your importance to the abyss, a possible fiance of mine. " "I beg your pardon you majesty? " "As the prince of the abyss, I will need someone who will be there by my side. " He stood up and walked over, grabbed Kaeya's collar and pulling him down, making Kaeya blush.

"I'm not going to marry someone here, plus there is no one charming in Khaenri'ah besides you. " Kaeya couldn't believe he was blushing. No one ever made him blush before. Aether smirked and let go, it will be time before I make you my bride, you will have to learn to accept the abyss and allow yourself to willing join into it. "

Kaeya nodded. "Yes your majesty. " Aether cleared his throat. "You may leave Kaeya, but please be on time for dinner. " Kaeya nodded once more and left. He was a complete flustered mess.

Dinner was silent between them, Kaeya did not dare to speak. He still was a blushing mess after the whole Kaeya soon being the prince of the abyss's fiance. So needless to say once he was finished he excused himself, said goodnight, and left with a days work completed.

Kaeya took a nice relaxing bath, warm and soothing. His back hurt and this bath helped soothe his pain. Kaeya soon got out once he was washed completely, brushed out his hair, dried it, got dressed in a night outfit made of white cotton, and beautiful golden trims around the sleeves.

He layed down on his bed after turning off the lights. Soon falling into a peaceful a deep sleep


I hope you enjoyed!

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