Chapter three:Join me for dinner

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Kaeya was up most of the night. "Give into the abyss? How would I even do that? " He just didn't get it. Hasn't he already given in? I mean he's willingly working for the prince right?

As the people of Khaenri'ah say, only the abyss will know the truth

Aether was getting ready for the day. He fixed his outfit and looked in the mirror. If he could, he'd already be forcing Kaeya into marriage. Although Aether wanted Kaeya to love him not out of fear, but out of pure love.

Aether walked out of his room, he decided to get Kaeya on his own today. He wanted to see Kaeya's beautiful and peaceful face. Aether didn't think Kaeya would be awake so when he walked in he saw a nude Kaeya.

He saw the blue haired man's face go completely red. "Y-your majesty! Couldn't you have knocked first....? " He said in complete embarrassment.

Aether walked over and pulled Kaeya down by the collar on his neck. "Well I suppose, but I still consider you my servant, a peasant who has yet to fallen into the abyss with more freedom than most creatures here. "

Aether kissed Kaeya on the cheek. "You best get ready dear, we have work that needs to get done. " He smirked and let go as he left. He closed the door and when he got to the office he noticed his little friend poking up. "Fuck"

Kaeya was a complete flustered mess. He grab the clothes in his drawer and got dressed. 'Why do I have to fall in the abyss? Why doesn't he just force me. " Kaeya thought as he blushed.

He walked down the Hall, fixing the collar on his neck. Kaeya walked in his office and saw some papers with a note. Kaeya sighed, he had to sort all of these through different types. Kaeya groaned and sat down as he started looking.

Aether made his way to Khaenri'ah and ordered a meeting between him and Khaenri'ah's bough keeper.

Aether walked in the room where Dainsleif was. "Dain I have a question" "Hm? " Dainsleif looked over his shoulder. "Is it something with the abyss? " Aether shook his head. "How do you make someone like you? "

Dain hums. "Well, who are you trying to get to like you? An abyss mage? " He joked with a small smile. Dainsleif's smile was always so nice. Dain was just like a dad to him. He was always happy to see him. "Kaeya Alberich" Dain seemed quite surprised by the person but he thought and gave Aether a reassuring smile.

"Well what do you think Kaeya likes? " Aether gave him a look of confusion. "Uhm...... " Aether really didn't know. Dain's face and smile softened as he pat Aether's hair. "You should learn more about Kaeya, then if you still need help you can come back and ask me. "

Aether nodded. "Alright, thank you Dain" "You're welcome Aether, you best come back soon" "Yes sir" He said sarcastically. Dain really likes to act like his dad but in all honesty, he didn't care. Aether loved to know that he had at least one person who he could look at as family.

Once he was back at the castle he made his way straight to Kaeya's office. He opened the door and saw Kaeya passed out. Aether let out a small sighed and smiled softly. "Must've not slept well last night" Aether thought.

He walked over and brushed a finger lightly over his soft cheek. He was so beautiful, so gorgeous, so sweet. Aether surprisingly picked up Kaeya and made his way to his room. He opened the doors to his larger room.

Aether's room was also gold and yellow but unlike Kaeya's, Aether had more valuable things, a room attached to his which held all his clothing, and a nice balcony.

He sat Kaeya on the soft, white and gold bed. Kaeya just looked so, so, so beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off him. Aether kissed Kaeya's soft and plump lips. He held it for a few seconds before pulling back. "I didn't know such gorgeous people existed in this world" He thought with a small smile.

He sat up and pulled to covers over him. He stood up, glanced at Kaeya before dimming the lights. He looked back at Kaeya one last time and walked out, closing the door, and leaving to his office.

When Kaeya woke up an abyss mage had entered the room. "His majesty wished for you to get dressed for dinner in your old clothes. He said he wished to have a nice chat with you. " Kaeya sat up and nodded as he yawned. The mage left and Kaeya looked around.

This wasn't his room, this was the Prince's room, the charming, cute, an- no, what was he thinking? He was literally captured by this guy! He shouldn't feel this way! But... Then again Aether treated him very well.

He sighed and quickly ran to his room and changed into his old uniform he use to wore all the time. He had his titty window back and he was happy.

He made his way to the dining room and sat down. "You said you wished to talk your majesty? " Aether cleared his throat. "Yes, but worry not, it's nothing bad" Kaeya was confused. "Then what's that matter the majesty? "

Aether gave him a small smile. "I wish to learn more about you Kaeya" "Oh" Kaeya looked at him. "Well what would you like to know then? " Kaeya said with a little bit of cockiness, not too much though. "What are things you like? Favorite foods, drinks, items" Kaeya thought for a second. "Well I do love myself a bottle or two of wine. "

Aether listened to Kaeya go on about the things he liked. Kaeya sounded so pretty, and the things he listed sounded quite nice. Calla lilies, his hatred for grape juice was quite funny, hearing him talk about sweets and other foods. Kaeya truly was an interesting character for sure.

Once Kaeya said that was about it Aether smiled. "What about you your majesty? Anything you're into? " Kaeya's cockiness was cute. Aether loved it. "I don't have many things I'm interested in, although I do enjoy the company of a close friend of mine. " "What about my company? " Aether smirked.

"I love it. "

Those words rung through Kaeya's ears. They made him feel strangely happy and comforted, that some loved his company. Kaeya layed down on his bed and sighed. He was very red thinking about it. He instead went to sleep and slept peacefully.


Don't worry I promise they'll fuck soon.

Servant to the ruler of the abyss (Finished) Where stories live. Discover now