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"Jack wait up!"A green haired boy shouted as he sprinted through the streets after his best friend.

The teen was about 17 years old with greenish black hair with some piercings and tattoos,he was about 5.10 and was sprinting through the crowds after a boy his size. The other teen was carrying a skateboard and running towards a somewhat abandoned movie theater.

Both teens went to the side of the building and scaled up the fire escape to an open window. Both teens scrambled inside while cussing eachother out. Apparently the teens were running away from the police for stealing vodka for their friend."Both of you stop arguing and gimme my vodka now."A girl about the same age appearing behind them. She gave them both death glares before snatching the bag full of vodka and went about her business. The teens looked at eachother and just shrugged it off before going about their ways and heading off to a security camera room. There they saw another boy and girl their age arguing about who's football plays were better. They just rolled their eyes before sitting on a bench behind the girl. The girl and boy looked over and grinned.

"Jack,Izuku nice to have ya' back!"

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