Chapter 1

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3 months after Izuku left so Izuku is 15 still
3rd person
"Ok so where is Marilyn Stadium? I know from the back of my hand it has got to be here somewhere."Izuku muttered,he has been staying with his uncle Harris for the past 3 months so he can finish school. Not so surprisingly that Izuku past all his tests with flying colors and got all his work done by the end of month two. Izuku had permission to go and look for his friends he knew back in preschool. During the summer he would come here and visit them and back in Japan he would put on the "act" like his mother told him to. The Midoriyas were secretly extremely wealthy and much more powerful than any hero,they could sue anyone without a problem. When Izuku's grandfather died in war,he had given his secret stash of money of about 50,000,000 dollars to Izuku for his savings and to buy anything he needed. Izuku still hasn't spent the money and has it now on a few credit cards he has.

Izuku then walked towards a busy street and pressed the button,once it said go he rushed towards the other side

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Izuku then walked towards a busy street and pressed the button,once it said go he rushed towards the other side. After that Izuku looked up too see that he was at his destination,Izuku grinned a little,wanting to see the expressions on their faces. Izuku quickly went to the small,muggy alleyway and scaled the fire escape. He saw that the window was closed so he tapped on the window a code. Three knocks,two taps,and a sentence only the other person would say.



"Well ok since nobody's answering I might as well go rob a store myself then."Izuku half shouted.

Izuku waited a few seconds when the window slammed open revealing a guy around Izuku's age with black hair and sea-green eyes. The person's eyes widened as Izuku stepped inside."Z-Zaki!"The person stuttered in surprise."Hi Jackson,good to see ya'."Izuku replied hinting in a bit of sadness while Jackson tackled him in a hug while yelling some other names. Some other teens came running out an old security room. One of the teens looked older then the others,probably about 16 1/2 now. The four teens surrounded Izuku,gripping him in a bear hug and saying such things of how they missed him and how much they lived him. At that point Izuku was kinda emotionally drained,sure he can joke around but at this point he wanted to go dig a hole and die. After a few big hugs and laughs,Izuku heads towards another empty room,having an excuse that he needed to do something. Once Izuku was inside he locked the door behind him and started crying. He loved his friends but was worried he would be replaced as well like he was back in UA. Izuku felt so betrayed by them,he felt so alone at the point that he started crying harder. Izuku then set his backpack he'd had on and took out a black marker and started writing on his arms. He knew cutting was very dangerous so whenever he felt like doing it he would instead write on his arms. On his arms he wrote "Worthless" "Liar" "Ugly" "Fat" "Freak" "Failure" and more to come. That was until,"Zuku. . .,it's Lola,you alright? Cause if you aren't I promise you I will break down this door."She threatened while a few voices from down the hall shouted "no" several times. Izuku started to slightly panic a little before going a full breakdown.
Apparently Lola kept her promise and kicked down the entire door,which in causing Izuku to run away in terror in fear of her seeing the words he wrote. 

Lola knew what she'd saw,ink words that trailed over her best friend's arms and wrists,all saying the same horrible things. Lola then sprinted in the direction Izuku went in with Jackson,Louis,and Lydia running right behind her."Zu! Wait up,what's wrong!"Jackson shouted while rushing past Lola only to find that Izuku was curled up in a ball,sobbing his heart out. Louis looked at the others who nodded,they all knew it was only Louis who could calm Izuku down when he was having these kind of panic attacks and didn't want anyone to see him. Louis carefully approached him and pulled him into a tight squeeze,Izuku can bottle up his emotions so well that he hides it to much until he breaks. Louis released Izuku from the hug and grabbed his arms while Izuku looked down in shame. Louis looked at them for a while before running his hand through Izuku's curly hair and the other gripping his wrist. Lydia,Jackson,and Lola sat on both sides of Izuku while making sure he was calm. Izuku had stopped crying and was just now silent,the others dared not say a word,worried that Izuku would start crying all over again. Louis pulled Izuku into his lap like a small sleeping toddler and started cradling him."You don't have to tell us Zu,we don't know what happened but just know we want to help you."Jackson assured him in a quiet tone before running a hand through Izuku's hair again. Izuku felt happy and loved in their embrace,he gave a weak smile at Lydia before saying anything."I-I think I-I'm re-ready too t-t-talk n-now."Izuku stammered quietly before getting the others attention.

After explaining the situation
The entire room was filled with a tense and murderous aura. Izuku had fallen completely asleep while the others were hatching plans to murder some students. Louis on the other hand was being a mama bird of the group and just started washing the ink off of Izuku's arms. But deep down he was raging like an angry mother tiger who's cub was disturbed in its den. Man did 1A mess with the wrong student. Just wait until they see him some years later.

Sry if it's not that good,I think I rushed this chapter. TvT

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