Chapter 10

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Izuku's p.o.v  (1 more day 'till graduation) 6:45am

I had just woken up,I looked around and saw we were still on the beach. I quickly got up until I realized it's Sunday! Which means on Monday tomorrow is graduation. I knelt back down and nudged Jirou-chan with my palm,she stirred a little. I let out a small chuckle before giving her a peck on the lips with her now being fully aware now. She looked at me and smiled a little before letting out a yawn and wiped the sand from her shirt."Let's wake the others and go home,I wanna take a shower."She yawned again while starting to get up. I nodded in agreement and Louis was already up and looking at his phone. I nudged him with my foot getting his attention,he looked at me and immediately got the message. Louis then got up and grabbed the things he brought along and went to start his car. Nicholas who was also awake,wrapped Jackson in a blanket and carried him bridal style,while he was still asleep. Lola had gotten up a while a go,and then proceeded to kick Lydia in the head. Lydia got the message a second time before muttering "Pendejo" under her breath."Suppose that means somethin' bad."I muttered before walking over to Louis' van and getting in the back with Jirou-chan.

After everyone got into the van we drove back to the house and did whatever. Jirou and I went to my room and watched a little bit of Netflix before going downstairs to grab some snacks. As we walked down I saw Tsu and Shugi eating some apple slices."So what are we gonna do now since tomorrow is graduation day."I muttered getting an idea from Shugi who just so happened to over hear."How ' bout we set off some fireworks or have a marathon of movies!" I looked at him like he was a genius and nodded in agreement and then looked at Tsu and Jirou for an answer."How about we do both but have the fireworks later at 9 or 10pm."Tsu suggested. We all nodded in agreement,Shugi and Tsu went to get the others to join while me and Jirou-chan picked out the movies in our a little Movie Theater."Hmm there's a lot to pi- Oh! how about Maze Runners. I've heard about the movies but I never seen them!"Jirou exclaimed. I gave her a bright smile and agreed before I grabbed the CD from her hand and put it in the CD player. As soon as it started Lydia,Shugi,and Lola came into the room with a couple of blankets."I heard Maze Runners calling my name so I grabbed some blankets."Lydia muffled as she sat on the couch squished between more blankets.

"Lydia muffled as she sat on the couch squished between more blankets

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(This is the little Movie Theater they have)

I rolled my eyes and ran to the kitchen as soon as the rest of the others walked in. I popped a few bags of popcorn and put extra butter and with a little help from my lovely girlfriend we gave everyone each a big popcorn bowl. Everyone else got their drinks and other snacks on their own.

I then sat on the middle couch with my girlfriend,Shugi,and Shinsou and wrapped my arm around her. We watched the first Maze Runners with some of the others squealing like girls on a sugar rush. Mostly because of the fights or anything else that showed,I didn't mind it as much. We watched the rest of the Maze Runners series and then checked the too see it was about 1:15pm. I looked at the others,nodded and in another movie,this time it was about the Twin Towers. After that we watched some more natural disaster movies while taking a nap in between the times.

Several movies later. . . (8:54pm)
I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder,looking over I saw it was my girlfriend."Babe it's almost time for the fireworks,Lydia says to get your ass out there before she makes you."Jirou smirked. I smiled,got up,and gave her a deep kiss on the lips before going outside with the others.

I sat with Jackson and Lola for a few minutes until Jirou came out and sat beside me. I chuckled a little as she clung her arm around me as the fireworks had started,pretty loud though. "Woah check out that Zaki!"Jackson pointed out to a bright gold one with dark red swirling around it. I chuckled at his antics and rested my head on Jirou's,"Hey babe ya' know there might be a surprise for you tomorrow."I smirked. Jirou looked at me with a 'WTF do you mean' face. I chuckled,"Not like that Lovely." She then calmed down a little and let out a laugh.

Looking over I saw that Shugi and Shinsou were cuddling and gave me an idea. I wrapped my arms around Jirou's waist and pulled her head on my lap. She chuckled a little and stuck her tongue out,I replied by patting her head.

 She chuckled a little and stuck her tongue out,I replied by patting her head

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(Like this if you get what I mean)

"Love you Melody."I whispered in her ear as a firework shot off again. Jirou looked at me again and snuggled in my embrace as to show her love for me back.

After the last firework we all headed inside,took another shower and went to our respectful rooms. Well except for me and my Melody,she decided to sleep in my room tonight.

Jirou's p.o.v  (10:15pm)

I got into bed with my boyfriend and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me on the cheek while buried my face into his neck. I loved him with all my heart and will never let my love go for him. Suddenly Izuku pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around in a protective mode. I smiled,"I can not wait for tomorrow. Now that I think about what did Zu mean tomorrow?"I thought. For the rest of the night I slept still confused on what he said.

"I wonder?"

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