Chapter 6

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Jirou's p.o.v.  a year later (2 weeks until school ends for them)
Friday 12:50am Lunch

Me and the group were excited because Mr.Carrington announced that next week some foreign students were coming! He also announced that our school would get word from which school was coming today. I just hoped it wouldn't be Shiketsu Highschool,they can practical liars at times. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see it was the Highschool playboy,Dash.

"Hey pretty lady~,wanna come home with me later~?" I just looked at him disgusted,along with Lola and Liz. This dude has been trying to get with me since the beginning of last year. Dash knew I had a boyfriend but,as he usually does,never listened about who my boyfriend was. Apparently he thinks that if I "get with him" he'll be the powerful leader of the group and rule the school. Though Dash is a dumbass 'cause Izuku is the leader and most powerful student in school.

I gave Dash a harsh look before punching him in the stomach,sending him flying to the other lunch table."I swear that guy is almost as bad as Mineta,maybe even worse."I growled sitting back in my seat and eating my sandwich."Hey guys!",I looked over to see Izuku walking over to us with a half confused face. Once he sat down he asked how Dash flew across the lunchroom.

"Oh! Forgot that,that perv was trying to flirt with me again. I swear he zones out every time I tell him that you're my boyfriend,and then starts flirting with me again!"I bellowed,a low growl escaping my mouth."Necesito un abogado."Liz said sarcastically."Does anyone know what she's saying?"Jackson frowned,still very confused."I actually don't know,only Louis and Nicholas can understand her. Speaking of does anyone have a translator?"Lola asked. Izuku just shook his head before drinking his vanilla milkshake.

For the rest of Lunch Period we talked and ate until it was time for us to go to our classes. My last two classes were Calculus and Band. After that,school would be out for the day. I headed to my Calculus class with Lydia,who also decided to join. As me and her were walking in Calculus class we were talking about the transfer students,none of us knew which school was coming. Though for some reason I got a bad feeling about what's gonna happen tomorrow when they announce it. Call it deju vu but I got a feeling the class might be from our school,if it was I'm hoping it's the new first years.

"Hey Jirou-chan what do you think we should do after school?"Lydia whispered to me. I looked up from my work and turned to her,I casually just shrugged my shoulders before finishing my last problem on my math page. I heard a small grunt from her before going back to my work. I looked at the clock and saw it was about 1:30 in the afternoon,I sighed heavily and went back to work on my 4-paged packet. The class was usually quiet with Mr.Varlett,the substitute around. Ms.Loset was gone on vacation for the month so Mr.Varlett is be taking over for now until she gets back. I worked on a few more questions before having the excuse to go to the restroom. I got up from my desk and exited out the classroom. Once I got to the restroom I dialed for Inoue,the kid that replaced Izuku.

After a few minutes he picked up,"Jirou Kyoka! Good to hear from you,how you've been?"Inoue asked. I sighed,he was too wholesome to ask but I went with it anyway."Hey Inoue I have a question?" "Sure what is it you ask?"He replied in concerned tone."I want to know if the class is coming to our school,Riverside Highschool." There was silence from the other side of the phone,"Sadly yes,we are coming to your school. Logic is LITERALLY leaving the world cause how can this happen?" "I dunno man,it's just how stupid life can be. Oh,well I gotta go,I'll call you in a couple of hours ok?" "Sure byeeeee" I then hung up and went back to class,today is going to be chaotic.

After school (Izuku's house) 4:15pm
"So what are we gonna do today,or even this weekend since,well yeah they're coming here."Lydia grunted in annoyance. I told them what Inoue told me and they were all pissed. Izuku looked mad and upset,I patted his head until he calmed down. After he did he got up from the couch,"How 'bout we have pool day and and go stargazing in my backyard for now. We'll all figure out the rest tomorrow,right now let's not think and start getting ready,that sound good to y'all?"Izuku announced. Lola clapped her hands together,"Sounds good,I'll go and buy some s'more ingredients." "Cool see ya' in a little bit!"Lydia shouted before taking her 3rd shot of whiskey. Lola went to grab her keys so the rest of us went to hall our things from Louis' van.

I went to grab the things out of my room,including a sleeping bag and a tent. I then quickly ran to her closet to put on a swimsuit.

 I then quickly ran to her closet to put on a swimsuit

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3rd person 4:35pm
Jirou walked outside in her bathing suit to see the others in the pool already. Jirou walked over to a shaded area near her boyfriend's hammock and took off her sandals."Babe come on,the water is perfectly fine."Izuku shouted making Jirou tilt her head in awe. She got into the cool water before Izuku picked her up and put her on his shoulders.

The gang played chicken for a couple of rounds before going back inside and taking their showers,then going back out to watch the stars. Nicholas and Jackson both cuddling together,Lola and Louis having a staring competition with a tired Lydia,and Izuku and Jirou both starring at the stars while listening to music.

"Someday I'll make my wife."

"Welp thank for reading this,it's a good chapter and I hope you like it!"

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