Chapter 3 (edited)

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3rd person

Izuku,Jirou,and the rest of the others were all heading to the gang fight downtown."What kind of alcohol do you think they have there?"Lydia asked,feeling like her fumes were getting low."Probably Vodka,Whiskey,Wine,and Tequila,If not I'm leaving because it'll be boring~."Jackson flashed a cheeky smile before going back to messing with the buttons on his jacket. Jirou rolled her eyes while hiding a small smile."So,are you visiting for a while or-"Izuku asked before getting cut off by Jirou."I'm staying here for the summer,and maybe for a few months in a hero school. That's technically all." "Oh. Well I got a new quirk over the past few months!"Izuku exclaimed while Jirou got sparkles in her eyes,she liked it when Izuku was excited. It made her feel happy as well."That's awesome Zu! What's it called?"She asked,Izuku then started explaining his quirk while Jirou was listening."Wow! Wait,that's a bit overpowered isn't it?"She said in a concerned tone,Izuku just shrugged,"My family is pretty wealthy,and as well overpowered. I don't wanna brag,I'm just saying that my family is powerful and we just had to keep it a secret. That's all."Izuku mentioned before going quiet. Jirou was surprised to hear that but shook her head and patted his head,getting a small chuckle out of him. Jirou smiled a little before putting on some headphones and ignoring the rest of the world.

A few minutes later
"Finally were here! Man,that took forever."Jackson whined earning a punch from Lola."Ow!"He yelped in pain,getting a few laughs from the others as well as a few bystanders. Jackson just rolled his eyes and the rest of them continued walking to some rickety bleachers."Imma go get some snacks,y'all need anything?"Louis asked draping his coat on seat near Lydia."I'll have 3 bottles of Haku Vodka,Izuku will have a shot of normal whiskey,Jackson and Lola probably any drink,and grab a couple of hotdogs and a medium pizza."Lydia ordered before having Louis run off before the fights begin. Jirou was a bit more surprised by Lydia's order then her memory. Jirou turned to Lydia who was behind and asked,"Why the hell you need so much Vodka?" Lydia was a little silent after her asking until Izuku started to explain Lydia's quirk. After explaining Jirou started asking Lydia questions about it with Lydia answering all of them. They both seemed more to talk more after that,occasionally whispering for secrets. Izuku rolled his eyes for probably the third time that day before Louis arriving and giving them each a drink and a hotdog. Jackson and Lola were waiting eagerly for the fights to start beginning.

After a few minutes the announcer was on stage,he was an older looking teen with black hair and dull red eyes. Jackson slightly blushed at him before going back to chowing on his slice of pizza."Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the ring~ of RED! Tonight we will be seeing who can knock eachother out first! Whoever is the last one standing is the winner!"The guy shouted before having two men enter the made up ring. Both men were burly and well built,the only thing that made them look different were their looks and accents. Once the announcer left the ring the fight began. The man with the mohawk went for an uppercut but the second guy dodged it and did a round kick to the guys ribs. The fight went on like that for about 15 minutes until the one with the mohawk won with a swift kick to the other guy's poor and bruised stomach. Then after the second guy was taken to the medical part of the school,the mohawk guy then went up against another one with dark brown hair and some piercings. The fights went on for about 2 hours until they were over. Another guy won instead of the mohawk man,which disappointed Lola cause she said his trash talk was good.

Afterwards Jackson went to hang by the nearest exit door to wait for the others. That was until the announcer from earlier came up to him slightly purred in satisfaction."Um,hi. . ."Jackson mustered before pulling his hoodie down more."Well Hello beauty,what is your name~?"The man purred before pressing him and Jackson against the wall."J-J-Jackson hehe."He laughed nervously while his entire face heated up."Well Jackson,my name is Nicholas,and I would like to ask you if your interested in going out sometime."Nicholas grinned while rubbing his hands around Jackson's hips. Jackson was speechless which made Nicholas laugh a little before putting Jackson's hands above him and pressed his knee against Jackson's knees,trying to nail him down. Jackson shuddered a little,trying to press him away."Hahaha,I knew Jackson was a bottom. Izuku 50 bucks now!"Both boys saw it was the group holding in their laughter while Izuku was giving some money to Lola. Embarrassed,Jackson ran out the door before anyone could say anything else. Nicholas then introduced himself to the others before following them outside to find Jackson. He apparently sprinted all the way back to the theater where they found him piled under the blankets sleeping. The group laughed and left the room with a slightly blushing Nicholas and sleeping Jackson.

Izuku's p.o.v
We all decided to leave Jackson and Nicholas alone,though we had to drag Louis out so he doesn't bother them. The rest of us went into the security room to stalk people like we usually did now and then. Once we got in the room we started talking about once summer's over and whatnot. Lola broke the topic by saying we should get tattoos or form a gang of some kind. Louis just rolled his eyes but only agreed on the tattoos,I preferably didn't mind,as long as Jirou was there I'm here. We're both like best friends.


(Very sorry this is late but I assure you that I had a lot of things on my mind and it was chaos)

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