Chapter 2

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Louis' p.o.v
I carried Izuku to a bunk room we had in the theater we secretly built. It was clean and always taken care of beforehand. I usually come to the theater every Friday and Monday after school to clean it and some of the other rooms around here.

Once I put him on a bunk I threw a light red blanket on him before taking my leave

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Once I put him on a bunk I threw a light red blanket on him before taking my leave. I walked out of the room and saw that JJ was standing near a window glaring at whatever was out the window. I went over to him and tapped his shoulder. He quickly jerked away in surprise,he gave a bit of a long stare but it dissipated."I'm going to go and get some lemon Balm tea from my grandma's,she says it's the best thing for stress. If the others ask where I am,tell them the same thing I said to you."I whispered before going over to a table and grabbing a small satchel bag filled with my notes and studies for next year. Sure,I'm a nerd but a pretty cool one who let's a fifteen year-old get away with drinking. I swung it over my shoulder and headed towards the window. I quickly opened it and jumped down on the fire escape before sliding down on a pipe near by.

Meanwhile (no one's p.o.v)

Jackson sat in an old,gray movie chair outside the bunk room,waiting for Izuku to wake up. Louis had just left the building to go to his grandma's for some tea and the girls went out to scavenge for some fun events around town. He technically was the only one left around in the theater. Out of boredom,Jackson went inside the room to keep a closer eye on Izuku. After Jackson opened the door he sat on the top bunk above Izuku and waited. The reason why they were always here is because when they were all five,their lives started to get worse. Izuku got bullied multiple times a day,Louis was a maid for his own house,Lola was mentally and emotionally abused,Lydia's parents used her for charity,and him. . .,Jackson's parents left him for dead. They were all one day on Louis' tenth birthday,walking around the streets when they found this place,Marilyn Theater. Lydia randomly was bored and grappled her way into the window. Izuku and Louis thought it would be a nice place to live when they got older or moved closer to it. So since then,they'd fix it up and now it was looking much more better."Hm,w-where am I?"Jackson looked at the bed under him to see Izuku had woke up earlier then expected. Jackson jumped down from his bunk and carefully sat beside him,afraid he'll cause him to run off again. Jackson wrapped him in a tight squeeze before letting Izuku go. Izuku glanced at him for a second before giving him a winner's smile and hugged him back. After they both let go Izuku started to get up."You think we have anymore of whiskey?"Izuku grunted as he got up from the bed."The hell we do,we all started drinking when we were 14! I dunno if we even have anymore!"Jackson yelped in annoyance as he kept waving his hands around in frustration. Izuku just shook his head in utter sarcasm and walked out of the room with Jackson following him. Both boys walked around the theater for a bit before going back to the window and opening it to see Lola and Lydia's excited faces."What are you two monkeys grinning for?"Izuku asked in annoyance."Someone special is coming tomorrow~!!"Lola chanted before having Lydia chime in. Jackson rolled his eyes before asking,"Cool,but did y'all find anything cool to see around town." The girls nodded their heads multiple times before answering,"Yeah theirs gonna be a gang fighting competition in downtown near the old carnival!"Lola squealed in wonder and amazed."That's awesome! When does it start cause I need some entertainment around here."Izuku asked,Lola gave a big grin before saying that it starts at 7pm sharp."Welp let's get to my house so I can change for the occasion."Izuku sighed in annoyance before opening the window again only to see a very annoyed Louis."Louis hey~" "Y'all can go but I'm coming too ya' know. Oh btw Izuku this tea will relieve your stress."Louis handed the tea over in a plastic thermos. Izuku accepted it and jumped down the fire escape,landing on the ground perfectly fine.

After the rest got down they took a limo to Izuku's private home miles away from the city. Once they arrived to the house,all four of their mouths were gaped wide open."ZAKI HOW TF ARE YOU THIS RICH!!!"Jackson shrieked just looking at the mansion.

"Dunno but whatever,why's the door halfway open anyway?"Lydia asked once the limo stopped

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"Dunno but whatever,why's the door halfway open anyway?"Lydia asked once the limo stopped. Izuku whipped his head back to see the door was wide open. He carefully edged himself to the door and slowly opened it only to find. . .

It was Jirou who was in Izuku's house,the others entered silently before Izuku ran over to her and hugged her breathlessly."Oh Izuku,I missed you so much,I decided to come and stay here,if it was alright with you heh."She chuckled before Izuku giving her a bright smile. The other four watched in awe,well except for Lola and Lydia. They asked her to come over here because they knew Izuku and her liked eachother both. Both of them didn't know she had a house key,nor knew where Izuku's house was. As well as her coming on flight early! Izuku and Jirou hugged eachother for a while before her letting him go change. She introduced herself to Louis and Jackson.

When Izuku got done changing,he went downstairs to see Jirou trying kill Jackson with a frying pan. Izuku chuckled a little before going down the rest of the stairs."Alright I'm ready!" "Ready for what?"Jirou questioned in concern."A gang fight that's what!"Jackson shouted. The room suddenly went quiet with Jirou trying to process what she just heard. After a few seconds she gave Izuku a cheeky grin,"Will there be alcohol there?"She asked slyly while glancing at Izuku. Izuku was a bit surprised but gave her a fierce nod along with sly and suspicious smile."Cool let's go!"She shouted as she headed for the door with Louis and Lola following."Hey guys wait up!"Izuku yelled before grabbing his pocket knife from the counter.

You never know what could happen at a gang fight.

"Here we go again."

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