Chapter 7

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Izuku's p.o.v.  Monday 7:15am
(1 week until school ends)

I was walking around the school for a while since it was free day,which means we can go into any subject we need help,or just skip and hang with friends.

Today was the day that class 3A was coming,it's gonna be hard since they'll probably be skipping classes. I sighed before walking over to my girlfriend and the group,or as we like to call ourselves "The Nightmares". We are called this because we are nighttime shift heroes,most times we're training in the day or at school. It's quite dangerous 'cause of the deadly villains here in Florida,but eh' it's normal.

I walked over to the table my group was sitting and we just talked for a while. Once the bell rang Lola,Jackson,and Jirou got up from the table too go to History classes,me and Lydia decided to stay in our spot outside like some other kids were doing. I gave Jirou a small kiss on the cheek before letting her run off,me and her have been together for almost 3 years (includes the year they were 15 so in the summer they'll turn 18)."So when are you gonna propose to her Zu?"Lydia questioned. I sighed,"The day at graduation Liz,hopefully she'll say yes." Lydia then looked at me like I was crazy and then smacked me on the head."Of course Jirou-chan will say yes,you've been together for almost 3 years!"She complained while grabbing her Dr.Pepper off the table. I rolled my eyes and took out a book I was reading,then an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Liz." "Hmph?"She glanced at me with a stuffed donut in her mouth before swallowing it."Da' fuck? Ok never mind but I got an idea,what do you think about decorating our graduation hats?"I asked. Lydia looked at with a bright smile and nodded vigorously in response. I smirked and showed her some ideas along with tutorials on how to do it.

35 minutes later. . .
"What are y'all talking about?"I looked to see my girlfriend and the other three looking a bit confused. I then explained and Melody (Jirou's nickname) agreed."Ok guys let's go to the music room cause Nicholas and Louis are here to visit for a couple of hours to work on our graduation song."Jackson announced. I nodded in agreement,all of us got up from our table outside the entrance of the school and started too collect our things. After the last bag was packed we headed inside too the drama/music room to practice.

Shugi's p.o.v
Me and class 3A were touring Riverside High,we were all going to be here a month before everyone graduates. I couldn't wait to see Izuku and Kyoka,hopefully Kaminari don't ruin my ship,even after all these years he still hopes she's his. I'm like Bruh,y'all aren't even dating you don't own her.

Before Jirou left,Kaminari used to hit on her and the girls would encourage that Kyoka liked him back. When she left they had a big fight on the phone,hopefully Kami just excepts that Kyoka and Izuku are together and that she does not need him. Atleast that's what I'm hoping that will happen,besides Ochako is being a bitch because she wants to be with Izuku and like I said,nobody is doing anything to hurt their relationship. If that's the case for them then I'm following wherever they try to ruin something,if they do I'm taking a picture for proof.

"And here we have the drama/music room where our school's band and famous group "The Nightmares" are practicing right now."The Principal said.

When she opened the doors only to see two blondes hanging from the surprisingly strong,ceiling fan. On the stage I saw a black haired boy and a girl with a horned hoodie just staring at this like it's normal,on the other side I see Jackson and-

"Jirou! Deku/Midoriya!"

I sighed heavily,"This is going to a long~ day isn't it?"I thought before punching Bakugo in the arm for saying "Deku" before quickly walking away to Shinso-kun. When I looked back at the stage I could see Mrs.Iceland talking to Izuku and Kyoka. After she left the stage,I saw Izuku kiss Kyoka on the lips before chuckling at her reaction. I then looked over too see Kaminari and Ochako's heartbroken expressions. I then giggled like the gremlin I am. Shinso-kun looked at me with a small smile and then whispered,"Class 3A better watch out for that couple because if I'm seeing it,then that's a powerful couple right there." I smirked at him and went along with the rest of the class to resume the tour.

The rest of the tour was boring like he'll but whatever,after that I decided to follow Kaminari. He was looking sus,Tsu and Shinso-kun also decided to follow with me. We followed him around for a while,trying to talk to the students but they ignored him. Good though.

Jirou's p.o.v
I deeply kissed Zuzu on the lips before breaking the kiss and giving him a pat on the head. I decided to rush to my locker to grab my Calculus book so then I could have an extra math lesson. Before I left I gave my boyfriend another kiss on the cheek before running off. After I was a safe distance from him I sighed deeply while blushing,I couldn't believe me and Izuku have been together for almost 3 years. I smiled a little before walking normally and went over to my locker.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked only to see Kaminari,I shrugged him off and told him to give up on me."Come on~ I know you like me,even the girls said so."He so ever purred in my ear. I turned again only for him to push me against the locker,no one was around to help so I just sat there helpless.


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