Chapter 5

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Jirou's p.o.v.  10:15am

Today was finally my birthday,but I think everyone forgot because I haven't seen them all morning. The one time I did see anyone was JJ,when he saw me though he started shouting "code Lyric". I have no idea what that means,I just decided to find Izku. I turned the corner only to *ehem* squeal in surprise as Izku popped out. He slightly chuckled before wrapping me in tight hug. I blushed surprised by this but hugged back and asked what was everyone else doing. He hesitated for a moment before taking a violet box from his satchel bag and giving it to me. I looked at him questionably before opening the box,and to my surprise it was an outfit,a weapon,and mask.

 I looked at him questionably before opening the box,and to my surprise it was an outfit,a weapon,and mask

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(Just for y'all so you don't have to imagine it)I stared at it for a while,I tackled Izku in a big hug saying thank you all over again

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(Just for y'all so you don't have to imagine it)
I stared at it for a while,I tackled Izku in a big hug saying thank you all over again. Izku smiled brightly at me while I smiled back."Welcome to the Darkside Dusk Singer."He purred,making me blush even more."We start our patrol at 7. We're not planning on doing any major patrolling,but if something comes up we might have to interfere,you got all that?"He asked I nodded in reply before going to train a little."Izku is so sweet by giving me this outfit,maybe he-no he doesn't like you that way Jirou get it out of your head."I thought sadly,besides who would ever like me?

Izuku's p.o.v
Jirou looked pretty happy when I gave her that outfit,I giggled to myself before running to my room and grabbing a dress box from under my bed. What I didn't tell her that later when we are done with patrol,we'll all be going to a party my Uncle Toshio is hosting. The others know except Jirou,it was gonna be a big birthday surprise for her! A lot of celebrities and models were going to be there,including my three cousins Yuki,Ronin,and Noriko who are super models. It was just a gala of some sort,but it was important for me to attend so then I can,well confess to Jirou-chan. I liked her for a while,I love her voice,her gorgeous eyes,and everything else about her. She was like a perfect night star,a shining beauty if you ask me. I'm actually wondering if she really likes me,maybe?

3rd person
While Jirou was training and Izuku was busy being nervous,Nicholas and Jackson were sleeping in. Lydia decided to go and help Louis and Lola with the cooking.

"Who knows what they could be arguing over n-"Lydia's thoughts were interrupted when a flying knife flew past her head and pinned itself to the wall."WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!"Lydia heard Louis shouted from the kitchen. She sighed before running over to the entrance,the scene was literal. Smoke coming from the oven,salt and other spices spilled,and two blondes screaming at eachother.

"What a coincidence,I was just thinking that this was going to happen."Lydia bellowed making both blondes turn to her in fear/annoyance. Lydia just deadlocked the two of them in a deathly stare before getting a broom and stove cleaner before throwing both over to them."Liz,why do we need these?"Louis asked before earning a smack to the head by Lola."It means we're cleaning up the kitchen dumbass. Liz what're you gonna do?"Lola then inquired."I'll be the one cooking thank-oh-so-very-much."She taunted making both blondes roll their eyes and just continued on what she assigned them. Lydia just shrugged her shoulders and went to find some more spices in the other,yet bigger pantry. Once she had left,both blondes silently kept arguing. They kept on,and kept on,literally until they were yelling at each other. It went on for a while,until a specific song came on the radio near them that both Lola and Louis loved. It started out softly until the full music was playing.

Surprisingly,when the song started playing,both of them had went back to their chores. The two of them softly humming to the neat tune. Soon enough they were both singing like they had when they were younger. When the song was done they started to apologize to eachother,saying they shouldn't have said anything to hurt them. Lydia,who was around the corner smiled before going back to her room to see how her dress was coming. None of them wanted to wait for Izuku's biggest night of his life.

Later Izuku's p.o.v.  7:30pm
The patrol wasn't that exciting as I was hoping for,but atleast we wouldn't be late for the gala. Me and the others went back to the house and got dressed into our suites and gowns. I could tell Jirou was confused,but I told her about the gala and she actually was excited about it. I went up to my room to get dressed in my black/white suite that Noriko picked out for me.

Once they got their (srry for the timeskips) 8:15pm Jirou's p.o.v
When we entered the ballroom I was speechless,it was gorgeous.

"Izuku good to see ya!"I heard a voice and saw Izuku's cousins,they looked like they could be related to Todoroki because of the white hair though

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"Izuku good to see ya!"I heard a voice and saw Izuku's cousins,they looked like they could be related to Todoroki because of the white hair though.

"Izuku good to see ya!"I heard a voice and saw Izuku's cousins,they looked like they could be related to Todoroki because of the white hair though

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The triplets and Izuku spoke for a while before walking over to me. He smiled a little,blushing like crazy,as was I."H-Hey Jirou-chan would you like to dance?"He asked,I felt heat rise in my cheeks before taking his hand,he pulled me protectively in his hold. I blushed even harder when "A Thousand Years" came on,Izuku slightly chuckled when I buried my face in his chest.

We waltzed around for a while until Izuku led me outside to a beautiful garden with a swing. We sat in the swing for a couple of minutes starring at the stars before Izuku said something."Jirou-chan I need to tell you something." I looked to him for a few minutes,trying not to stare at his diagonal stars (Freckles if you get what I mean.)

"What do you want to ask?"I questioned looked at him. Izuku took a deep breath before saying the words I just needed to hear.

"I like you Jirou,a lot,and I was wondering if you-"

"YES I'LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!"I squealed. Izuku chuckled with tears in his eyes before kissing the top of my forehead and leading me back inside.

"Could this night get any better?"

Thank you all for being so patient for this and for SO many reads. I know this might not be the best chapter but the next chapter will be insta shots so it won't really take that long.
See ya tomorrow!

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