chapter eight - secrets

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third year

I walk into the great hall with Lily, and we go to sit with the boys who seemed to be whispering to each other, probably planning some prank that's gonna get them killed. The minute we get there they spot us and immediately stop talking. That's suspicious.

"what are you doing?" I ask.

"oh well-" peter starts but Sirius steps in the way, placing his hand over Peter's mouth to shut him up.

"no! if you tell her she will literally kill me."

"Sirius what are you planning?" I practically death stare him.

"can't say." He looks away.

"rem?" I know he will answer me. The other boys instantly lock their eyes on him, and he gets nervous.

"we can't get you involved. You already on watch for beating up that Slytherin on Monday." Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But I don't think that's what's really happening.

"I'm surprised you haven't got a detention yet, we get one very week." James states.

"yeah, but Professor McGonagall loves her." Lily answers.

"she just sees how smart she is." Everyone looks at Remus when he says that. I don't know if he meant to say it out loud.

"you know behind the physically abusive and aggressive personality." Everyone laughs. I think he was trying to cover up what he said.

"smooth." Lily states.

"I am not aggressive!" everyone steps back.

"you punched a seventh year when we were in first year" James states.

"oh yeah I forgot about that" peter exclaims. Everyone turns to face him.


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