chapter fourteen - brother

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I wait for my parents to walk away before I go up to Regulus. He spots me in the crowd, and I move behind the pole and wait for him to come to me instead. He turns the corner and immediately jumps to hug me.

"Sevyn!" he says as he jumps into my arms.

"hey there kid. I missed you" I let go of him and he stands back.

"when are you coming home?"

"Regulus, you know I can't."

"why? You did nothing wrong it was all Sirius."

"what are you talking about?"

"you were coerced, weren't you? Into choosing Gryffindor"

"oh reg, there is so much you do not know."

"I know enough."

"no, you don't."

"I miss you Vyni. And so does mum and dad, I can tell"

"if they missed us, they would have come back for us. Instead, they abandoned us"'

"I have what you need."

"go on tell me."

"I wrote it all down. I can't risk saying it out loud." He hands me an envelope.

"reg what's going on?"

"I have to go." He walks back to the carriage our parents left him at. I stand and wait for him to walk onto the train before I return to my friends. When I turn around, I spot Remus. He was watching us. We both walk towards each other and just as we are to meet in the middle I continue walking straight before he grabs onto my arm to stop me. I can feel the electric pulses shoot through my body as he touches me.

"Sevyn, what in merlin's beard was that?" he demands from me an answer I cannot give him.

"it was nothing."

"are you working with your family? Against your brother? After everything they did to you and Sirius."

"what? No, of course not."

"then why were you talking to him?!"

"Remus he is my little brother. I didn't just forget about him once I became a Gryffindor."

"but you severed your ties with everyone else?"

"severed my ties?! Remus, they shunned me! Burned my face from the family tree!"

"then why are you talking to him?!"

"because he is my brother and I love him, Remus! I am trying to save him from the stupidity that is my family's morals. He deserves more."

"does Sirius know?" there is a pause after he asks me that.

"no. and he cannot know. No matter what. He has poisoned his own thoughts against Regulus."

"you expect me to lie? Sevyn he is my best frie-"

"I expect you to stay out of it. This is my family Remus. Mine. And they are my brothers!"

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