chapter sixteen - exclusion

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I walk into Sirius' dorm room to meet him to meet him before we walked to lunch together. I saw that the door was partially open and just decided to walk in. When I walked in there was a black wolf right in the middle of the room. I scream. It just came out. The dog whimpered and ran behind the bed. From behind the bed Sirius stood and I immediately knew what he had done.

"Sirius you fucking idiot!" I screamed.

"Sevyn hold up!" I wasn't going anywhere but he knew that I was going to lose my head. By this time everybody had gathered into the room.

"hey, lets walk inside the bedroom" Peter says, practically pushing me into the room with the others following and James closing the door behind us while Lily cast a spell to lock it.

"what were you thinking?! An Animagus?! YOU ARE AN ANIMAGUS!"

"it's not that big of deal Sevyn!"


"he's not the only one!" James tried to clear the tension by butting in.

"James!" lily smacks his arm.

"what is that supposed to mean?" I turn to James and he cowers behind Lily.

"I'm a rat!" Peter shouts. He has no idea how to deal with confrontation.

"oh my god" Remus rubs his temple.

"James?" I turn back to him.

"I'm a Stag."

"I'm a wolf" Sirius says from behind me.

"I can see that Sirius! How long has this been going on?"

"since third year" Sirius says with a guilty face.

"third year? Rius, third year!?"

"we only just perfected it!"

Remus walks up to me and places his hand on my lower back and walks in close.

"darling take a breath" he says, and everyone looks at us curiously.

"why would you do this? Do you know how much shit you could get into?"

"Sevyn we had to do it!"


"I- I can't say."

"hold up." Everything just clicked. there were these nicknames they have been calling each other all year.

I turn to peter. "wormtail" 

then to James. "prongs"

then to Sirius "padfoot" 

and lastly to Remus. "moony" 

they all knew.

"wait what?" Sirius says

"Sirius, she knows." Everyone looks at me.

"oh, thank god. Sevyn we did it to help Remus with his transformations." he smiles.

"since thir-" the realisation hits me. He told everyone but me. I remove Remus' hand form my back and turned to look at him.

"everybody knew" I said quietly. Tears were welling in my eyes. I go to leave.

"Sevyn" I turn around for a final time as he says my name.

"you told everyone, and you couldn't tell me." Then I leave.

I didn't speak to him for the rest of the year.

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