chapter eleven - the name

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"do you remember that kid you kicked in the face last week?" Lily says as she sits down next to me in the great hall for lunch while we study.

"which one?" I ask.

"the- did you just ask which one?"

"I abuse a lot of people Lily, people annoy me."

"fair." She responds.


"well, they complained about you to McGonagall." She laughs.

"oh god." I turn to her.

"that's not even the best part."

"that part was supposed to be good?"

"they only knew your last name, so when they said that 'black hit me in the face' they just assumed it was your brother because of all their pranks."

"oh my god that is better!"

"oh, it keeps going." Lily says. I gasp.

"the boys were trying to convince them that it wasn't Sirius to the point where they thought that all the marauders were involved as a part of a prank!"

"Oh my god no!"

"YES!" Lily bursts out laughing, and I join her soon after. We were laughing so hard that we couldn't even breathe but we were trying so hard to be quiet. Just as we start to calm down, we turn to see the boys walking through the doors looking frustrated and immediately burst out laughing once again. They spot us laughing at them and they death stare us, well mostly me, before rushing over to us without running. "oh no"

Sirius pushes himself in between Lilly and I while Remus places a hand along my shoulders as he sits on the other side of me. James and Peter climb over the table and sit on the other side facing us.

"hello Sevyn." James says.

"got some explaining to do I think." Comes form Peter.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I say smiling.

"really that's funny, because I could have sworn, I saw you kick that Hufflepuff last week." Sirius claims.

"was that me? You might be mistaking that for my twin Sirius BLACK!" I laugh.

"oh, she knows." Remus almost yells. Lily and I just laugh. "you so owe us one for not ratting you out."

"umm, no. frankly I think you all owe us one after we didn't rat YOU guys out after that bullshit prank you pulled on the girls dorm."


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