chapter twenty eight - separation

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I stand there in tears holding harry in my arms. Swaying back and forth. Everyone is gone. Remus stands next to me while Sirius goes to leave. unable to bear watching Harry be taken away from us. Sirius shakes hands Hagrid and Dumbledore and gives Minerva a light hug. He said his goodbyes to Harry before. this was my turn. he talks to Hagrid about his bike and lends it to him for transport before walking out of the house, leaving Remus and I alone with everyone. Minerva, Dumbledore and Hagrid stand by the doorway near the loungeroom waiting.

"Ms Black it's time." Dumbledore says softly. I just ignore and continue to cradle the poor baby in my arms. "Sevyn..."

"no. please, he can stay with me, I will look after him."

"you are a part of Voldemort's hit list it is too dangerous."

"but he is gone now."

"but his followers aren't, they are still hunting you." Dumbledore warns.

"he needs to be with his family dear." Minerva adds.

"I am his Godmother. I am his family; I am all he has left."

"the Dursleys-"

"the Dursleys are horrible people! They won't treat him right, you know that." I direct to Dumbledore.

"but he will be safe." He retorts. "no one will find him."

"I can't lose him too." I say bawling my eyes out. Dumbledore walks toward me and stop just in front.

"he will always be with. In here" he points to my heart "and in here" he points to my mind. "you will never lose him, and in a matter of time he will be with us once again." I only hold him tighter. Harry's head buried in my neck. He is comfortable with me, he knows me. Why should he have to leave?

"it's time to say goodbye, Sevyn." Dumbledore continues.

"no." I whimper.

"hand him to Hagrid."

"please no." I move back slightly and Hagrid walks to me then reluctantly removes harry from my arms and he starts to cry. He walks out of the door and I go to follow him, but Minerva stands in front of me. "Minerva" I cry.

"I am so sorry my dear." I fall into her arms and cry. She just holds me and continues to apologise. Remus walks over and holds my hand. Taking me into his arms as Minerva walks away.

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