chapter twenty five - broken

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Sirius walks into the house with a worried look on his face, which immediately worries me as well. Remus comes into the room smiling but soon his face drops once he sees our expressions. "what's going on?" he asks.

"Sirius." He looks at me.

"we can't find Regulus."

"what do you mean?"

"he's been acting weird lately. I think he went against... him"

"he was always against him!" I am angry because I am scared. "he was only a kid Sirius, he still is!"

"I know that, but I cannot find him. I haven't heard from him in a very long time... and neither has mum."

"you spoke to our mother?" there is only silence.

"you were the last person to speak to him Sevyn." Remus says from behind me. We both look at him.

"Sevyn, we think he is dead." Sirius says.

"No." I laugh. "No he is not. He can't be."

"did he say anything to you, about a plan or-" Sirius goes to continue but Remus does it for him.

"something, that would have gotten him in trouble."

"no, he said nothing! He said- oh god, oh no" he is so stupid. Why would he do this?

"Vyni what is it?!"

"he wanted to destroy one of Voldemort's horcruxes." They both look at each other. "he only knew where one of them was. But that's impossible, it would've-" I know exactly where he went. I step away from the boys and they get what I am about to do.


"Vyni no!"

I take my wand out of my back pocket and apparated out of the house. I turn up in a cave, I appear on what seems like a rock in the middle of a lake. It's dark and there is a small well in front of me. It's empty with a shell cup on the ground at my feet. Right at the edge of the rock, where the water meets it, I spot a green bracelet that I recognise instantly. My eyes water so much more.

I made that bracelet. I made it for him. He wore it all the time. He hid it under his sleeve on the same arm as his mark. It made him feel better, he would never take it off. "no!"

I run to the end and scramble on the ground to pick it up. I stand and walk backwards, holding the bracelet to my chest right near my heart.

All I can do is scream and cry. He is my baby brother and he's gone. I feel empty. I always promised to care for him, to be there for him. I let him down. I let him die.

"Regulus!" I scream and cry to the point where I can not breathe. I take one last big breath and just scream. So loud, I can hear it echo through the walls of the cave. The silence afterwards is deafening. I try to catch my breath until I hear grumbles coming from the water. Hand reaching out and starting to crawl up the rock towards me. I need to get out of here. I lift my wand and apparate out of the cave. Still holding on tightly to the bracelet in my hand.

I appear back home, right where I disappeared from in the first place. I see every one of the Marauders run into the lounge room with Lily, they were all waiting for me. Worried sick. As they run in, before they run to hug me, I just apologise.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just-" Remus runs up to me and I collapse in his arm and fall to the ground as he holds me, still clutching on to the only thing of Regulus I have left. "he's gone!" I cry. Remus smooths down my hair and rubs my back to try and calm me as I cry hysterically. "He's gone!"

Sirius sees the bracelet in my hand, and he knows exactly what has happened. He walks out of the room as his eyes start to water and places his head in his hands. James follows him while Lily kneels down net to me as I cry. I see James place his hand on Sirius' shoulder while he looks up and says four words to him before James brings him into a hug.

"that was Regulus' bracelet."

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