chapter twenty four - the meeting

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"we need to figure what they are planning, if we don't, who knows if we can clean up what they break!" Moody yells.

"yes, but if we put somebody else on the inside, they could get killed!"

"you have to remember, there are people apart of the death eaters who are against his cause, they are just scared to leave. We should think about contacting them." I don't even know who is saying what it is way to hectic.

"and how do you plan on figuring who those people are? Oh, I have a suggestion why don't you just go up, knock on the door and ask them. Idiot!"

"okay no need to be a dick, Moody."

"god, they're all idiots." Lily snickers to me.

"well maybe we should just find someone we already know is on the inside." Hagrid adds.

"Black twins" Moody turns to us as we sit on the couch. "what about your brother, ah, Regulus. Sevyn you mentioned that he wasn't supporting, you know... him." Moody asks.

"do not involve my brother in this." I respond sharply.

"he is only a kid, Moody he is still in school." Sirius reminds him.

"You lot were in school when we started this. I am saying if we want someone-"

"you say one more word and you will regret it." I warn.

"now you listen here missy-" he goes to threaten me.

"Moody don't." Remus cuts in. Moody looks around the room and proceeds to take a step back while Lilly places a hand on my arm in comfort.

"we have Severus." Dumbledore randomly mentions. Everyone goes quiet.

"why isn't Snivilus here?" says James. Lily smacks him lightly. "Severus, I mean."

"smooth." I point out. He just winks. Everybody is waiting for Dumbledore's answer. Not everyone trusts Snape completely. One of those people being me. Not just because he is creepy and annoying, which are totally valid, but because he watched my child brother suffer while he was inside and did nothing to help him. That I will never forgive him for.

"I can not answer for another man." That is all Dumbledore says before he walks from the room.

"well, continuing on I guess." Sirius comments while rolling his eyes at Remus. "what are we doing about our plan for Thursday?"

"who's fit for it?" Moody asks.

"I am." Frank volunteers. Frank Longbottom, a true gentleman. Him and he wife Alice are truly the sweetest people. A whole bunch of people start listing why they can and can not be apart of the plan until Moody look to the marauders and Lily and me.

"Potter? Evans?" he asks.

"ah, it's Potters now, and I can but Lily shouldn't." everyone looks at James confused. I know what he means but I don't think anyone else does. Not even the rest of the marauders.

"what is that supposed to mean?" Peter asks. Lily looks at me and giggles a little before going to reply.

"well, I'm pregnant."

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