Chapter 12: Hurry

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They are driving off in the direction of the plane as fast as they can)

Rubble: I wish Ryder was here.


Chase: Do you have to go Ryder.

Ryder: It'll only be for 3 weeks, I'll be back before you know it.

Chase: But what if there's a problem while your in France.

Ryder: You know this is a good opportunity for me Chase, I get to learn new pup training skills, then I can teach you pups when I get back. Doesn't that sound like fun.

Chase: Ya, I guess... But what if we get a call from some-

Ryder: if there's a problem you're in charge okay Chase.

Chase: okay.

Ryder: see you in 3 weeks.

Chase: Remember if you're in trouble just yelp for help.

                    ~~end of flashback~~

Chase: Me too, it feels weird leading the group.

Skye: *through collar* I can see the plane Chase, I'll try my best to keep it up but there's not much I can do.

Chase: do as much as you can to keep it up, we'll be there ASAP. Robo-dog faster!

Marshall: *through collar* I've found the plane, I'll inflate the life boats.

Chase: Good, Marshall, we'll be there soon.

                        ~~In the plane~~

Everyone's screaming and Zuma's passed out in his seat.


Zuma: *mumbling* we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die.

Rocky: *collar rings* Rocky here.

Chase: *through collar* Rocky, it's Chase. It's Zuma there?

Rocky: ya, but he's like passed out sort of...

Chase: Well wake him up!

Rocky: *sarcastically* wish I thought of that.

Chase: Hey I was just trying to help.

Rocky: Sorry just freaking out here. I'll try to wake him again. ZUMAAAAAAA!!!! WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!

Zuma: I'm up, is bweakfast weady.

Rocky: no we're still on the plane.

Zuma: *starts hyperventilating*

Rocky: Zuma, calm down. Chase needs to talk to you.

Zuma: okay, *Zuma calls Chase* hey dude, what do you need.

Chase: Nice to see you're awake.

Zuma: Haha, vewy funny.

Chase: Anyway, I need you to jump out of the plane.

Zuma: WHAT!!!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Hope you liked this chapter.

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