Chapter 21

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"I can't believe she hadn't gone to any meetings in two days," I exclaimed in frustration.

"Maybe she is still waiting to get information. I mean she can't meet with him if she has nothing to report," Skyla pointed out.

"I need to know everything about this! The curiosity is killing me," I replied.

"You should try being less curious about stuff we don't know and focus on what we are living," Skyla continued.

"See it as you see it. I am out of here," I said as I got up and started walking away.

I was really mad that Mayla didn't go to any meetings since yesterday and the day before it! Did they know that we were spying on them? Was Skyla and Cyrus working with her? I was about to continue making theories when I heard something weird.

It was like a soft breeze mixed with the chirping of birds and the sound of crashing waves. I took a sharp turn toward the source of the sound. Maybe something interesting was about to happen! The more I got closer to the sound, the more I could recognize it, or at least comprehend what it was. It was the voice of a woman. Soft, sweet, and silky, it was like a melody sung by birds. I crouched down as I reached the source of that beautiful sound. There was a woman and two men standing there. Black clothes were wrapped around the woman's whole body, making her look like some sort of night creature. If it wasn't for her pure diamond hair that turned pink at the bottom, she probably would have been mistaken for a wild creature. Her sapphire blue eyes were fixated on something at the far end of the lake. From my hiding position, I couldn't tell what exactly she was looking at.

"Our plan is working perfectly! They really are the Legendary Pair," the woman said in her melodic voice.

"Mistress, don't you think staying out here is dangerous? What if they spot you," a man in a heavy black coat, black shirt, black pants, and black boots said.

WOW! This is too much black.

"Oh Ames, you are such a worrier! It doesn't matter who sees us at this point. We will soon appear and claim what is ours before Octavius does," the woman replied.

"Sure thing Mistress. When you are ready to leave please inform us," the man said as he reacted in the shadows.

The woman admired whatever scene she was looking at for a few minutes. She then turned to the two men and made some weird signal. They both took out some object from their pockets and pointed it at a group of trees. The trees receded and uncovered some kind of secret hideout. There was a narrow, rock entrance that was covered in a symbol. The symbol was shaped like a swirl with a lightning bolt cutting it in two. The woman and two men entered it and the trees immediately returned to their places. I got up from where I was squatting and approached the group of trees. They looked normal, not like they were hiding some place behind them. I studied them for a few moments, trying to find something out of the ordinary. Something caught my eyes, the same symbol was etched on one of the trees. I touched it, not really expecting anything to happen, but then it did. The symbol started glowing in a golden hue. In a flash, the hideout was revealed. Well that was easy! I took a quick peck at the inside to make sure no one was there. I slowly inched toward the entrance, excitement bubbling inside me. I took a few steps inside and to my surprise, nothing happened. I kept marching farther and farther down the hallway, inspecting every single part. In the middle of the way, I found some papers on the wall. The place was dark so I squinted to see what was on them. I moved back in shock. The papers were pictures.......of me and a young person who looked a lot like Skyla. I remembered that picture, my mom had taken it for me when I was training to ride my bicycle. How did it end up here? 

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