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Laying on her side, Aurelia squinted against the sunlight that peaked through the curtains in her room. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the brightness, she blinked repeatedly, before rolling onto her back. Pulling her eyebrows down, she listened to the crinkling sound beneath her as she stuffed her hand under her head to pull out a crumpled piece of paper. Smiling to herself, her eyes scanned the note left on her pillow as she chuckled to herself.

Morning Hothead
Breakfast's in the microwave keeping warm, dropping Dad off at work cause he left his keys there. Be back in a bit to drive to school :)

Sitting up in place, Aurelia scanned her room — her eyes falling on the chair in the corner. Blankets draped over the seat with a dented pillow and a shirt, of which didn't belong to Aurelia. Stiles had slept in the chair. Due to the fact, Aurelia passed out the night before, Stiles refused to leave her alone. So he resorted to sleeping in the chair. Shaking her head as she rose to her feet, she sighed. "Damn it, Stilinski." Everything he was doing was going to make the next bit so much harder. Aurelia was adamant she had to back off. Lia was a ticking time bomb, simple things made her explosive and that terrified her. Neither Scott, Stiles or herself knew what she was or what she was capable of — which in truth made her dangerous. Pulling on some jeans and one of her tops, that she'd been by to collect when the notice for their eviction was put up. Yes, eviction. She also collected some of Isaac's things and kept them in boxes in her wardrobe, for when he was able to come out of hiding.

Floorboards beneath her feet creaked as she made her way down the stairs, her eyes following the development of Stiles' face as she looked at the photos of him scattered along the walls, as well as the occasional ones of Stiles, her and Scott. Reaching into the microwave, she pulled out her favourite. Bacon, sausage and potatoes scones with a side of beans. Stiles knew this was her favourite. Making Aurelia hate herself more when the guilt began to build in her stomach, which dropped when she heard the key turning in the lock.

"Aurelia?" He called out, smiling when he popped her head around the door. Looking her up and down with his cheeks and nose slightly tinted pink, he grinned. "You ready to go?"

"Uh huh." She hummed reaching for her bag with her mouth full of food. "Thanks for breakfast." She smiled, still wanting to be polite. Stiles frowning at her un-natural behaviour when she didn't kiss him on the cheek for making her breakfast — something which she regularly did. "What?"

"Nothing." Stiles brushed off, opening the door for her and letting the girl walk ahead of him. Climbing in the car, she looked out the window and let out a breath. Even though this would be hard on Stiles — as she was closest with him — it was going to be near impossible for her. He was her lifeline, someone that pulled her out and grounded her when she so desperately needed it. And now she had to use everything in her to push him away. Lia just didn't want to hurt him. Feeling a rush of crisp morning air brush up against her back she looked over her shoulder at the boy climbing in beside her. Sending a smile her way, Lia sent a short-lived one back before she lowered her eyes and focused on her hands.

"So now you're telling me that you didn't see Isaac and his father arguing before the murder?" Sheriff Stilinski scoffed, sitting in his chair in the Sheriff's office. With an eyebrow raised, he examined everything about the boy's presence.

"Not exactly."

"Not exactly — or no? Because when it comes to law, there's a fairly large divide between not exactly and no." Noah pressed, leaning forward whilst he folded his arms tightly across his chest. "Like, if 'not exactly' were sitting in this chair, then 'no' would be somewhere in the middle of the pacific ocean, drowning next to my career." The Sheriff yelled, getting fed up with the boy's antics. "So what's it gonna be, huh? Not exactly or no?"

𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒆𝒕𝒉, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now