Growing Pains

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Benji was at Widow O'Hara's house every morning that summer as soon as his mom would let him out of the house. 

He wanted to spend every waking second with Eileen, and he did so. Much to his joy, they became friends. Much to his displeasure, she still laughed when he told her he was going to marry her someday. 

They spent a lot of time with Widow O'Hara in the garden: hoeing the soil, planting, fertilizing, watering, pulling weeds, harvesting, drying, pruning, and making ancient concoctions out of the herbs. 

Benji and Eileen worked well together, and he always made sure he was there to help her if she needed it.  

When they had finished for the morning Benji helped Ms. Mage teach Eileen how to read, write, and do basic math. Often, he was more excited about her progress than she was. Afterwards, they often watched all kinds of movies and shows together in Widow O'Hara's living room, waiting for the sun to lower and the day to cool. 

In the evenings and on particularly overcast days they went swimming in Widow O'Hara's new pool or walked to the park. Swimming was fun, but the park was his favorite. Benji loved swinging next to Eileen: talking, laughing, doing stunts. He liked showing off for her, showing her how strong he was becoming. She was always appropriately impressed of his mastery of swing jumping, monkey bars acrobatics, and how fast he could run up every hill. He loved the awe on her face when he did something cool, craved it, and always pushed himself to go even farther. Really, he couldn't lose; if he did good, she praised him, and if he got hurt, she fussed over him and cuddled him. 

They had to break apart for supper, but before bed they often met up in either his yard or hers--carefully avoiding Ms. Agnes' sour face and accusing eyes--to lay back and watch the night sky, finding pictures in the dark clouds or the twinkling stars. 

Benji thought it had been the best summer of his life, and so on his birthday he wished for the only thing he truly wanted: Eileen to become his wife when they grew up.

All too soon summer came to an end, and with it came the beginning of a new school year. He was an old pro at school by then, having just turned seven.  He confidently walked with her and Widow O'Hara during open house, meeting with all of Eileen's teachers, and trying to explain--to the best of his limited knowledge--what middle school might be like. 

On the first day of school, he begged his mom to let him and Eileen go to the bus stop by themselves so the other kids wouldn't tease her. Everything went well, but when they stepped onto the bus the other kids scowled at her and scooted over so she couldn't sit with them. 

Benji knew how to solve that problem. 

He proudly took her hand and led her to his assigned seat. As long as he was there, Eileen would never have to worry about where to sit or who she could talk to. Benji decided he would always be there for her, and maybe if the others saw how awesome she was, they'd become friends with her too. 

Weeks, months, and years danced by following much the same pattern. Regardless how wonderful Benji believed Eileen to be, and despite the fact that she'd started opening up, not a lot of Weildon kids felt comfortable around a Vampire. 

Then it happened. The unspeakable.

"Are you almost ready, dear?" Widow O'Hara called from the window, looking behind the large curtain. "I think he's here." 

"I'm ready! I'll get the door!" 

"What's going on?" Benji whispered to Widow O'Hara, watching Eileen run excitedly to the door. 

"Eileen's first boyfriend," Widow O'Hara chuckled, "and the girl is smitten." 

Boyfriend? Smitten? 

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