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"You going with us to the bar tonight, Rodriguez?" P.A. asked as the group of them walked towards the gate.

"Naw, man, I'm visiting my girl," Dustin said with a grin. "She's not old enough to go yet, and I'm not wasting any of my time away from her."

"I get it," P.A. said distractedly, smiling when he saw Helen waiting on the other side of the barrier. "Cougar, you and Eileen going?"

"Yeah," Ben agreed, eyes searching the parking lot for her car. "She'll have to check me out first. We'll meet you guys there."

"Arch?" P.A. wondered.

"Melody works Friday nights, so I'll be sitting at the bar."

"Sounds like a plan," P.A. agreed, opening his arms to Helen as she pulled first him and then Archie into big hugs.

"If you guys want to wait a few minutes, we can drive you," Ben offered.

"I kind of want to walk if that's okay," Helen said, looping one arm with her boyfriend and the other with her brother.

"See y'all there then," Ben agreed, jogging with Dustin to the meeting building.

"Cougar, Rodriguez, both of yours are waiting in room three--they said they didn't mind waiting together. Mr. Rodriguez, here is your key. Ms. Marshall and Mr. Marshall already have theirs. Mr. Cougar here is your key."

Ben reached out his hand but paused when he saw there was only one. "I usually get two."

"Ms. Grau said that wouldn't be necessary. Do you still want another key?"

"Dude!" Dustin exclaimed, punching his arm.

"Uh...I guess if she said it was okay..." Ben said hesitantly. They had slept in the same room a lot over the summer and in the same bed when nobody else was home. If she was comfortable with them having one room this year, then he was too. "Thank you, Mrs. Hail."

Dustin looked at her in surprise, "Mrs. Hail?"

"Yes, dear?" the receptionist asked kindly.

"Uh, never mind, ma'am," Dustin said quickly, turning to follow Ben down the hallway.

They walked into the room together and were immediately tackled by their girls.

"Hey, sweetheart," Ben murmured against Eileen's hair, holding her tightly to him.

"Hola, mi vida," Dustin said quietly, looking deep into Ginny's eyes. She blushed a deep, deep red and buried her face into his chest; Dustin grinned as he rasped, " No se avergüence, bella dama. Mi corazón, alma y cuerpo duelen por ti y solo por ti."

She giggled into his chest, and Mr. Marshall looked at him suspiciously. "That better be something respectful, kid."

Dustin gave him innocent puppy-dog eyes, "Of course, Mr. Marshall. I've been teaching her some Spanish greetings. I just told her I was happy to see my girlfriend."

Ben glanced at Eileen, and she was blushing too, so he figured that wasn't all Dustin had said.

"I guess we'll go now," Eileen said, already pulling Ben towards the door.

When they were at the car, Ben asked, "What did he actually say?"

Eileen's blush returned, "You boys are way too smooth for eighteen-year-olds. He called her 'his life' and told her to not be ashamed, called her pretty, and said his heart, soul, and body ached for her and her alone."

"Damn, right in front of her uncle too," Ben laughed. "My man's playing with fire."

"Ginny loves it," Eileen confided. "Her happiness permeated the room. I think they're good for each other."

The Reluctant Cougar (Rise of the Alpha King's Heir)Where stories live. Discover now