Principal Wesleyan was waiting for them at the entrance to the school.
As soon as they were close, the red-faced man turned his full fury on Eileen., "What--just--what do you think you're doing, Ms. Grau?! How could you let something like this happen? I hope that you're ready to take responsib--"
Eileen's pale face paled even further as she tried to stand without Ben's help to face her boss.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Wesl-"
Ms. Mage pushed open the front door with a loud bang.
"I know I'm not hearing you chew out a new teacher, on her first day of school, for the shitty policies you've had in place for years," Ms. Mage said, stalking forward and poking the retreating man in the chest.
"Ms. Mage, remember your place--"
"As Ms. Grau's mentor, my place is to look after her and mold her into a competent coworker. Groveling and apologizing for something that wasn't her fault--for something she obviously risked her life to stop--is not going to help her become a better teacher. This is on you, Fredrick. I've told you since Eileen first came to school that bullying was a problem. I've told you for years that our Vampires miss school and are often injured because they need to hunt--because you won't let them feed somewhere safe. Now one goes into frenzy and you're blaming the one person that--"
Eight trucks screeched to a halt into the parking lot. A male climbed out of each cab and started stalking towards them.
"Crap," Principal Wesleyan breathed. "Rutherford and Marshall. Not good. Ms. Mage?"
"I'm ready," she assured him.
One of the males broke away from the group and ran towards the front of the school where they all stood. His eyes searched the group as he demanded, "Where's my little girl?!"
His eyes found Ginny, clinging to Dustin's arm. She quickly stepped away from Dustin, "Uncle Marshall? I didn't mean to--"
He pulled her into a tight hug, "I know, honey, I know. Did this boy--"
"No," she quickly assured him. "Dustin's my...friend. He let me feed, helped me get out of the frenzy."
Her uncle pulled away, eying Dustin's protective stance, "Friend, huh?"
"Dustin Rodriguez, sir," Dustin held out his hand.
"Tim Marshall," her uncle said, clasping the boy's hand firmly.
"I want to court your niece," Dustin told him flatly.
Tim Marshall eyed the young man. "You'll have to do it right, then."
"Yes, sir," Dustin agreed. He glanced at Ginny as he and Marshall released hands. "If she'll have me."
The other adult males reached them then, and Eileen was almost choked by the aggression wafting from them.
"What the hell happened to our boys?" the one in the front of the group demanded; he was obviously the leader.
"Cam," Principal Wesleyan said with a heavy sigh, " just calm down. Let's go inside and talk like--"
Cam grabbed Principal Wesleyan by the front of his shirt, "I said, 'What the hell happened to our boys?'"
The ground around them began to quake, and Ms. Mage said loudly, "If you males are done with your pissing contest, I think it's time to address the issue at hand. Your 'boys' attacked this female. She defended herself."
The boys in question walked out the doors then, supporting the boy Ginny had fed from.
"She attacked us," one of the boys whined. He looked like a smaller version of Cam.

The Reluctant Cougar (Rise of the Alpha King's Heir)
Romance*Complete but still subject to edits* Ben Cougar and Eileen Grau have been best friends since they were kids. For the young cougar-shifter, it was love at first sight. For the ostracized Vampire girl, it was good to have a friend--even if he was s...