Chapter 8

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"So why were you avoiding Hyunjin?" Minho asks. They are currently in the older's car, heading home.

Jisung dramatically gasps. "Who? Me? I wasn't avoiding him! I've told you already that there's this girl who keeps following me!"

The school doctor just blankly blinks his eyes, clearly knows the younger is just uttering bullshit.

Once the car is safely parked, Minho says, "Pretty sure you know where your house is, right?" Then steps out of the car.

The still pouty boy exits the car as well seconds later.

"Be careful on your way home." Minho states, already walking to the front door.

As if on cue, Jisung's mind finally comes to its sense, making him grasp the situation better.

He mentally slaps himself for being distracted, thinking about the infamous rival of his when the real reward is actually in front of his eyes.

After all, successfully making Minho as his will be the best revenge.


Seungmin and Felix are happily enjoying their ice cream, just finished collecting some data needed for the upcoming festival.

"We're lucky to be assigned with food vendors." The freckled boy giggles.

"We are." Seungmin replies, laughing when the male next to him tries his ice cream only to grimace.

"It tastes like toothpaste." The Aussie boy gives him a disgusted look. "I don't understand why people like this flavor."

"Yahh it's a matter of preference!" The younger argues.

"Minho hyung actually likes this flavor too. I know how weird the taste is but I keep tasting it anyways."

"Dumb Bokie."

"Hey hey hey watch your mouth!" The older cutely pouts.

When Seungmin is about to answer, Felix interrupts. "Isn't that Mr. Bang?"

Seungmin instantly looks for certain figure, giving a confirmation nod to the Aussie boy afterward.

"Great! We can ask him to drive us home!"

"Eh??? We can? But isn't that rude?"

Too late. The freckled boy has already made his way toward the hot principal before his best friend can even finish his sentence.

Seungmin sighs. When Mr. Bang meets his gaze, he bows a little and throws an apologetic smile since the older suddenly needs to drive them home now.


359 words

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